What Is FM WhatsApp And How To Download FM WhatsApp APK?

Download FM WhatsApp

In today’s article, we are going to see what is FM WhatsApp and how to download As you all know that WhatsApp is a very popular messaging application that was created by Jan Koum and Brian Acton but after making it a Facebook company bought it. That’s why WhatsApp is a Facebook company application. Initially, after creating WhatsApp, many changes were made in it and new features were added, but still, many alternatives of WhatsApp started coming into the market, in which many different and advanced features from WhatsApp. One of the existing ones is FM WhatsApp.

So do you know what is FM WhatsApp and how to download it, if you do not know, then in today’s article we are going to give you the information in this context because FM WhatsApp is not present on Google Play-Store, that’s why in today’s article We will tell you how you can download FM WhatsApp, with this we will know the features of FM WhatsApp, what is FM WhatsApp, how to Download FM WhatsApp, in the context of all these topics, today we are going to give you information, that’s why this article Do read it completely?

What is FM WhatsApp?

FM WhatsApp is a modified and new version of WhatsApp developed by FM WhatsApp. FM WhatsApp has many features that are not in the WhatsApp application. FM WhatsApp allows you to hide your last seen, customize the colors of the app and other interface icons. You can easily customize the app with thousands of themes available in the theme store.

This app is not currently available on the Google play store so you have to download this application from any third-party website. You have been given all the information about how to download this application in detail, follow that information step by step.

How To Download FM WhatsApp?

You all must know that there are some rules of Google Play Store and by following those rules, any company can upload its application to Google Play Store but in FM WhatsApp some rules of Google Play Store have been violated. This application is not available on Google Play Store, for you have to use a third-party website, if you think that it is difficult to download FM WhatsApp, then it is not so easy to download FM WhatsApp.

But before that, you have to take care of some important things first thing you have to delete your official WhatsApp app because if you run the official WhatsApp app and FM WhatsApp app together on your phone then you may get an error second thing you have to do your official WhatsApp You have to take a backup of the account so that when you reinstall the official WhatsApp, all your chats will remain the same, nothing will be deleted. That is why you have to take care of these two things before downloading FM WhatsApp.

Note: If you have disabled Unknown Sources download on your phone, then enable it first otherwise you cannot download FM WhatsApp.

Follow the steps given below to download FM WhatsApp:

Step 1: First you have to open Google and search there “FM WhatsApp APK Download”.

Step 2: Now many websites will come in front of you, but you have to open the website which comes first by clicking on that website.

Step 3: Now you will see an option like “Download APK” on that website, you have to download the APK file by clicking on it.

Step 4: After that FM WhatsApp APK file will be downloaded on your mobile, now you have to “Install” that application by going to the download section.

Step 5: After that, you can use WhatsApp by creating an account.

How To Create an Account In FM WhatsApp

Creating an account in Fm WhatsApp is very easy, just like you create an account in the official WhatsApp, in the same way, you have to create an account in it.

FM WhatsApp Features

Call Filter: Some people do not understand that WhatsApp calls are not very convenient that is why it is very important to have a way to deal with such a scenario. Irrelevant and unwanted calls are the most annoying things in this era. Many social media applications use this feature. And users eventually have to block people from their friend’s list.

FMWhatsApp provides its users the facility to get a call filter set on the number from whom you do not want calls on your chat app. This will help you to stay focused and focused on the point.

Themes: One of the biggest factors that WhatsApp lacks is that it doesn’t provide themes. It’s for people who want to make the app look the way they want, ie they can choose their own theme in the chat. so that they make the most of it.

FMWhatsApp has a ton of themes, so you’ll get the kind of themes you want.

Emoji: Everyone agrees with the fact that WhatsApp has a stock user interface where you don’t get emojis. On the other hand, FMWhatsApp provides different types of emoji options like Facebook, Android P, Emoji One V3, Old Stock Emoji, Apple Emoji, etc. This is the reason why most of the youth are attracted to Fmwhatsapp because people like to use Emojis while chatting.

High-quality image sharing: If you are a professional who has a lot of work to share photos, then sharing on FMWhatsApp will be quite impressive. This is because, on this app, you can take high-resolution photos without any loss in photo quality. This feature is considered to be the best feature of this application.

In addition, there are options where you can set the quality in terms of percentage. This way, not only will you not be able to save the data, but at the same time, you will be able to change the quality of the sending as per the need.

Fonts and Icons: Fonts and icons are a major part of the experience that we enjoy when using mobile apps especially messaging apps. So, if you’re a fan of custom fonts or just bored with stock icons, you can try something interesting from the theme store. Fonts can be downloaded This is also said to be one of the best features of Fmwhatsapp.

Call Filter: FM WhatsApp comes with an element called Call Blocker (Filter). It helps to keep away unwanted calls from obscure numbers. You must have noticed that we get calls from unknown numbers on WhatsApp. In FMWhatsApp you can confirm who you are on WhatsApp. You can select the contacts according to you, only the number of contacts you select will be able to call you.

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