Simple ways to break your bad habits during competitive exam preparation

Simple ways to break your bad habits during competitive exam preparation

Habits are an unavoidable part of our lifestyle. Our habits become the determining factor of  success or failure. When it comes to achieving success in the competitive exams, your habits play a major role. It is crucial to cultivate good and productive habits to excel in every aspect of life. It will help you prepare for the competitive exams in the most effective way possible. Many candidates wish to clear the competitive exam in a single attempt. Well, wishes rarely come true. To ensure your success in the exam, it is mandatory to shun every bad habit.

Here is a list of simple ways to break your bad habits during competitive exam preparation:

  1. Avoid Multitasking 

If you keep juggling from one activity to another, after some time you’ll become less productive. Those who keep on adjusting from one task to another usually find it hard to recall or gain anything out of it. Concentrating on one task at a time will help you yield proliferated results. So, give your 100% to one task at a time.

If you are planning to appear for any Bank Exam 2021, make sure you are following an organized routine for the exam preparation. 

  1. Try not to Cram concepts

While preparing for any competitive exam, it is advisable to go through in-depth study of every concept. Cramming every concept can make you score low marks in the exam. To avoid cramming, you can start studying for the exam at least three months before the exam date. You should also avoid last minute preparation. 

  1. Never bunk classes

Many students prefer to join a coaching institute to prepare for the competitive exam. The wrong step they take afterwards is they start skipping coaching classes. As a result, it will cost them their success in the exam. So, try to attend every class to gain the best out of it. Doing this will help you complete the exam syllabus on time with splendid guidance. 

Recently, there are bulk of exams going to be conducted for the Punjab Govt Jobs. If you feel the need of proper coaching for preparation, then join the most esteemable institute. 

  1. Do proper planning

Many students commit the common mistake of not planning their daily routine. They start preparing for the exam blindly in an unorganized manner. Thus, it is essential to prepare a proper time table for the exam. You can prepare hard topics first followed by the easier ones. Additionally, you can assign yourself short breaks. So, adhere to an organized routine, if you aim to qualify any competitive exam. 

  1. Eschew distractions

Distractions are pernicious and can push you to the chasm of failure. It is crucial to avoid distractions, if your aim is to achieve success in the competitive exam. The biggest source of distraction these days is social media. It is advisable to avoid frittering your time while scrolling social media sites. You can listen to inspirational audiobooks to keep yourself focused while studying for the exam. 

  1. Don’t rely on online study material

The Internet can provide you with ample study material for studying. It may not act in your favour. Study material collected from the internet is not always reliable. Thus, it can befuddle you and hinder your progress. Try to collect relevant study material with the guidance of your mentor. 

There are a number of students preparing for the Bank Exam 2021. They need to keep themselves focused as bank exams are drawing closer. 

  1. Try to make handwritten notes

It is advisable to prepare handwritten notes and avoid electronic gadgets to prepare notes. It is because when you write your brain retains the meaning of concepts you’re writing. On the other hand, if you use a laptop to prepare notes, it would not be that effective. 

  1. Avoid eating junk food

We all know that we become what we eat. Junk food is full of empty calories and high fat. It is essential to eat nutritious food. Eating healthy food can help in enhancing your energy levels for the competitive exam preparation. Students who do not intake sufficient nutrients will get tired soon, which will reduce their focus while studying for the exam. 

  1. Practice mock tests

Practicing mock tests is the sure shot way to ace competitive exam preparation. It will help you analyze your performance and help you improve it. Solving mock tests aid in increasing your speed and accuracy of solving questions. Additionally, it will also help in reducing the risk of negative marking in the exam. 

  1.   Avoid procrastination

Procrastination can cost you your success. It is important to do your activities as per your time table. You can choose to study in small slots rather than choosing to study for hours. It will help you maintain your focus and prepare better for the exam. You are required to train your brain to focus on the activity that needs to be completed and avoid distractions. 

This year the government of Punjab has issued umpteen number of notifications for jobs. If you are also planning to grab any of the Punjab Govt Jobs, try to give your best by washing off all the bad habits.


Trying to get rid of bad habits? Have a look at the points mentioned above. These will not only help you ingrain good habits but will amp up your efficiency while studying for any competitive exam. It will not only help you perform better in the competitive exam, but will also aid in shaping your personality. 

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