3 Ways to Run an Employees Recognition Program Remotely

crystal awards

The pandemic changed the corporate world, prompting several companies to urge their employees to work remotely. However, the abrupt alterations came with several challenges, and many employers are left wondering how they can manage the remote teams successfully and appreciate their employees’ efforts. This article gives you three ways you can use to pull off a functional employee recognition program.

1. Ensure the Exercise is Functional

If you pull an appreciation right, the small perks, thank you messages, and appreciation gifts should make the employee more productive and encourage others to work harder. In return, the exercise remains to be for the benefit of the company.

As a result, you should avoid the haphazard, generic, and generalized appreciation techniques. A functional recognition program should:

a) Be Timely

Cultivate a culture of recognition where you appreciate your employees for both small and big efforts they make weekly to push the brand forward. Remember that recognition is a short-term need you must continually satisfy if you want to keep a highly productive team.

b) Tailor The Appreciation

You need to understand your team and know what works for each person. For example, knowing whether an employee will appreciate a public appreciation or prefer their things under the radar will prevent the chances of an appreciation backfiring.

c) Be Transparent

An appreciation that involves money-based perks or salary increments may sometimes send the wrong message or look like foul play. Instead, be transparent about whose efforts you’ve recognized and why.

d) Be Specific

Acknowledge your employees’ efforts, and specify how they contribute to the growth of your brand. Avoid generic “good job!” compliments.

2. Be Unique: Consider Corporate Crystal Awards

Crystal awards are a unique and majestic way to send your gratitude message and show your employee that you recognize their performances. Personalized crystal awards, trophies, and plaques are unique, elegant, and come in various styles to match your needs. Engraved crystal awards are also an excellent idea for appreciating your employees. Here are some ideas to try out for your remote employees.

a) Get Personalized Crystal Awards

They are primarily designed for specific recognition themes and come in varying shapes and styles. You can also decide to customize them to show ranks and levels. For instance, you decide if your worker receives diamonds, stars, or world globes. You may also ask your artisan to design the award aiming at specific accolades celebrating levels like years of service, retirement, or leadership.

b) Consider Custom Crystal Trophies

A unique custom-shaped crystal trophy is the best way to send a thank you message. You can also ask your designer to create them around your company logo or branding. A technician who knows how to play around with styles, typesetting, and styling cues will ensure your award is of high quality and built for excellence.

c) Appreciation Crystal Awards

Appreciation crystal awards are inexpensive and an excellent choice for on-the-spot performance appreciations. They’re a great way to inspire enhanced performance and build excitement in your team.

d) Optical Crystals

Glass materials typically contain lime, making them get cloudy with time. However, optical crystals, a combination of lead oxide, silica, and potash elements, are famous for clarity and refraction. Cutting and polishing them precisely leaves you with elegant rainbow prisms.

3. Think Beyond the Normal Appreciation Ideas

Think about ideas that improve your employees’ lives, touch their families, or improve their skills. Here are some ideas for you.

a) Think of a Career-Focused Reward

An Instantprint survey they conducted on 750 workers revealed that a significant percentage of employees would leave an organization that doesn’t help propel their career.

That means your employees may appreciate your investment in their skills. For example, you may consider enrolling them in an online course on platforms like Skillshare or Coursera. Similarly, you may start a self-development fund to aid your employees in acquiring skills.

b) Think of their Physical Health

Working from home inspires a sedentary lifestyle, and your workers will feel the impacts sooner or later. Consider enrolling them in fitness programs as a token of appreciation for their hard work.

c) Impact the Whole Family

Your employee is at home all the time and is more connected to the family now. Think of an award that brings joy to the whole family. You may consider offering a streaming service subscription or anything that spikes the kids’ interest in remote learning.

Similarly, you can take the opportunity to advertise your brand. For example, get branded stationery, apparel, coffee mugs, or water bottles.Appreciation is an essential part of company growth. Your workers need the motivation to work harder and push the brand’s vision beyond. These ideas will most likely help you make the recognition program functional and

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