Easy Cooking Tricks Everyone Should Know

easy cooking tricks

Do you always end up with an inedible meal every time you enter the kitchen? Then, you’re at the right place! We all know how difficult it can be to get the right flavor and measure out the ingredients exactly as they are in the recipe, but luckily we’re here to show you some tricks. Unfortunately, cooking is not simply about adding spices to veggies or meat. We’ll give you a few tips to make cooking a nice dinner for your friends and family a little bit easier.

For those who are interested in improving their culinary skills, these tips and methods are sure to come in helpful!

1.  Plan out your tasks

Think like a production line worker and keep your workspace organized! The most frequent inefficiency seen with novice chefs is a lack of prior planning. Assume you’ve got four onions that you’ll need to finely dice before adding them to their final destination: a big bowl. A lot of time is wasted if you do every process to each onion separately. Don’t need to travel back and forth between the board, compost bin, and bowl, and picking up and putting down your knife as you prepare for the next activity.

It’s better to approach this like a factory, starting with peeling all of the onions first. Before moving on to the vertical cuts, complete all of your horizontal cuts. Finally, transfer all of your diced onion to the bowl and wipe your board and countertop clean before moving on to the next activity.

The more you apply this kind of thinking to all of your duties, the less time you’ll spend in the kitchen and the cleaner, more organized it will be.

2.  Salt is the main seasoning

Does you family think that your food tastes bland? Don’t offer them food lacking in seasoning! Well, many people think that their food is bland because they don’t know how to use complex spices and multiple ingredients with interesting flavor profiles. However, it’s most likely that you just don’t use enough salt! Every stage of the cooking process your meal should be seasoned with salt, as well as at the finish. Taste while you cook so you know if you should add some more. If you’re concerned that adding too much salt will be detrimental to your health, you should look into the benefits of pink himalayan salt compared to regular salt. It may be more to your taste!

3.  Get pre-minced or pre-peeled garlic

Garlic is an ingredient which is present in a lot of national cousines and you can never go wrong with adding it to your savory dishes. Some may even argue that there’s no such thing as too much garlic! However peeling and mincing a lot of garlic can be tiresome. Plus, it often leaves a long-lasting smell on your fingers! When purchased fresh, pre-peeled produce can keep for weeks in the refrigerator and, despite what some snobbish chefs would tell you, it tastes just as good as freshly-peeled. On the other hand, pre-minced garlic often comes in jars and it can be an easy but very tasty addition to all your meals!

4.  Toast your spices and nuts

You may enhance the taste of nuts and spices by toasting them before using them in a recipe. You have two options – either bloom them in hot oil or toast them in a dry pan over low heat. If you need to use a nut blend or you just want a quick snack, roast the nuts in pre-heated oven for around 15 minutes. Let the nuts rest for 10 to 20 minutes before using them since the toasting continues even when you get them out of the oven.

5.  Peel the eggs more easily

To make the egg whites coagulate more easily, a dash of vinegar may be added to the water when poaching them. Everyone knows that! However, did you know that boiling eggs with a splash of vinegar in the water makes it easier to remove the shell? Say good-bye to annoying pieces of eggshell in your sandwiches!

6.  Don’t cut red meat immediately

No steak, no matter how well-doned, should ever have a dry mouthfeel. Steaks should be placed on aluminum foil as soon as they come out of the oven or grill to retain their juices. So, you should allow the steak to rest for about five minutes before slicing to let the juices settle. To get a medium-rare steak, you should remove it from the foil as soon as it reaches the desired crust.

7.  Read the whole recipe before cooking

This may seem like the most obvious tip on our list. However, you’ll be amazed at how many people start cooking before they read through the entire recipe first! If you don’t do so you may discover half way through that you’re missing an important tool or that you’ve used up the ingredients incorrectly. In order to save time and effort while preparing ingredients for a recipe, you should check to see when things are combined and combine them ahead of time.