DOs and DON’Ts After a Facial Hair Transplant

facial hair

For men, a beard doesn’t necessarily grow if you avoid razor and wait for the perfect beard to grow on your face. Some men may have a patchy beard on their skin as stubble does not always grow as uniform as expected.

Another reason is that you may have some genetic flaws for not getting a perfect beard.

Whatever the reason is one option that you always have to go for a facial hair transplant.

First, the surgeon will check if your skin is good for the surgery or not. Like any medical procedure, there’s not a hundred percent sure that you will be fully satisfied with the results. There is always a chance of scars after the surgery.

But if you have a good doctor and a clinic who can treat your facial hair in an expert way, then it may work well for you. 

What is a Facial Hair Transplant?

In a facial hair transplant, hair is taken from one part of the body and implanted in your face wherever you want the beard to grow. There are two types of hair transplants for facial hair transplant:

  • Follicular unit extraction (FUE): This surgery is performed by harvesting complete follicles of hair one at a time from the donor area. It is less painful; that is why it is a common procedure.
  • Follicular unit transplantation (FUT): For this surgery, the surgeon cut out a small strip of tissue from the donor area and removes the follicles of hair from that part.

A follicular unit is a small collection of many hair follicles that may emerge through the skin through the same exit point.

Both procedures take almost a few thousands of hair follicle grafts from the back of the head or from other donor sites.

What to do after a Facial Hair Transplant

Facial Hair Transplant surgery does not normally need strong sedatives. But if you are given a sedative, prefer not to drive. You can hire a cab or have someone drive you to your home. 

  • Ask your surgeon about the right medications to take.
  • Be very gentle when washing your beard for almost a week, starting from the third day. Don’t rub too much, Don’t splash the water stream directly onto your face.
  • You can gently apply conditioner to the scalp to get rid of any itching.
  • Hydrate well before and after the facial transplant surgery.
  • Your hair may fall after a few weeks after the surgery. But that is completely normal, and it is a part of natural hair growth. 
  • Sleep with your head raised for a week, or for the time you experience swelling. Some people will only experience it for a few days, and some will not experience it at all. A recliner bed may be very useful in that case.

What not to do after a Facial Hair Transplant

  • Don’t sleep upside down on your tummy or side or rub your new beard against a pillow.
  • Don’t panic if you start experiencing swelling after the third or fourth day of the surgery.
  • Don’t apply any ice onto the transplanted areas of the face. Avoid touching the transplanted areas with anything.
  • Don’t wash your hair for the first two days.
  • Don’t scratch your face. You may feel some itching for the first few days after a facial hair transplant.
  • Don’t expose your face to direct sunlight other than a limited duration of time during the first two weeks. You can cover your face with a protective mask. Don’t engage in such activities, which include the exposure of your face to direct sunlight.
  • Don’t engage yourself in heavy exercises after the surgery. Your blood pressure needs to stay in a safe zone. It may be a tough task for gym beasts. You may have to skip big exercises and have some light cardio instead.
  • Don’t engage in any activities that may cause sweating.
  • Don’t dye your beard for a few weeks after the surgery. The harsh chemicals may interfere with the transplanted hair follicles and can affect the hair growth.
  • Don’t take alcohol for about five to seven days after the surgery. Alcohol in your system can interfere with the blood supply to the head.
  • Don’t smoke for about a month after the surgery. A good rate of blood flow is essential for the growth of new hair follicles.
  • Facial Hair Transplant surgery is a very effective surgery that is very less invasive. 


So far, we have discussed facial hair transplant and what to do and what not to do after the surgery. But remember, these instructions are just to guide you throughout the process. However, the actual instructions may vary according to your surgeon and treatment. Consult with your doctor to have a better knowledge about the surgery and its risks.

Author Bio

NamanModi is a Professional Blogger, SEO Expert & Guest blogger at, He is an Award-Winning Freelancer & Web Entrepreneur helping new entrepreneur’s launches their first successful online business.

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