Why Is School Education Essential, And What Should The World Do About It?


School education

School education is also an essential basis for the further life of people with disabilities and their profession. Targeted promotion of the capacities of children with disabilities is significant. Nowadays, school education begins at an ever-younger age, already in preschool establishments. The integration of disabled children at this age seems more straightforward than at a later age. It is therefore often recommended that disabled and non-disabled children attend kindergarten together. We will teach your kids Early childhood education.

Ordinary school

When it comes to starting school, the best choice varies from child to child. Some parents or children choose a particular education school, while others prefer a regular school. Specialized schooling can be united into the ordinary school, a technical day school, or a specialized school hostel depending on the child’s needs.

Specialized school

In principle, specialized schooling. If We cannot adequately support the child in ordinary school despite offers in technical pedagogy. If special education is an option, an assessment interview is coordinate with the parents, the teacher, and the specialist in curative education before enrolling in school. An evaluation by the school psychologist follows the discussion and, in unclear cases. We can consult other specialists.

The school instead of “integrate.”

It is essential not only to “integrate” students but also to “include” them. Inclusion is about establishing a system in which everyone can engage equally. Unlike integration, which often focuses on individual cases or the part-time integration of children or young people with special educational needs into a single classroom in a school, inclusion is about creating an environment where integration is the norm rather than the exception.

Challenges to take up

Millions of kids in West and Central Africa endure dispute education. The region has a third of total global age children attend primary school and a fifth of children of lower secondary school who are not in school. Children and adolescents affected by humanitarian emergencies are particularly likely to miss out on the chance to attend a school or have to drop out of school altogether.

Academy policy

The region also lags in gender equity in education: there are nine misses for every ten boys employed in the introductory class. These inequalities worsen as children advance throughout the academy policy.

Many children don’t get the best possible origin in life. Particularly one in four kids in the province has way too. Early childhood education, care, and stimulation programs. They are then at a disadvantage when they enter school and are not ready to meet the demands of primary education.

Access to education

Quality education for all children is at the heart of social and economic development. UNICEF helps countries improve access to education through inclusive education, expansion of preschool education programs, Koranic education, vocational training, and national data production.

Quality learning

Quality is a prerequisite to building a better future for the next generation when it comes to education. UNICEF and partners improve teaching skills, quality standards, life skills programs, and early learning assessments. Another challenge is the quality of education. Even students who manage to get primary education are unlikely to receive quality learning. However, quality education is imperative to prepare children to acquire the skills, knowledge, values ​​, and perspectives to replace in the 21st century.

Education for girls

Educated girls are vital to the health and prosperity of families, communities, and countries. UNICEF helps countries design and implement programs that support girls’ success in learning and beyond.

Education in emergencies

In conflict and disaster situations, education can both protect and save lives. UNICEF works with partners on risk-informed education programs, school safety, classroom psychosocial support, and emergency information management.

Provide a framework and help to grow

Within the parental couple, although there is generally enough agreement on the values ​​that we want to transmit to our child, the way to achieve them is not always shared. The child’s education is already not so simple, but tuning his violins, in addition, can also be another challenge! How to give a good education? (And besides, is their excellent education, because it is very personal). What is the role of the parent in education? Why do we say that family education is essential?


And at the level of the means to be heard. Should we punish, motivate, congratulate, welcome emotions. So let it happen, devote body and soul to our cherub? How to exercise our famous parental authority and educate our children? In short, so many questions that we ask ourselves without really having an answer. Normal, everyone to build their position in terms of education

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