Top 7 Tips to Crack Medical School Interview in 2024

medical school interview

Let’s take a quiz:

Will you be part of those who succeed in securing a medical school interview,

 or will you join the majority who miss the chance?

The choice is yours.

Almost all of you want to get into medical school.

Getting into medical school is like a dream come true for you.

However, getting into medical school is competitive, as 42 % of medical aspirants are accepted in 2022-2023.

We know how you feel.

The anticipation, the jitters, and the sleepless nights leading up to your medical school interview – we’ve walked in your shoes. You’re not alone in your journey to success.

Here, we will help you with tips to ace your interview, from your attire to writing a gripping medical school interview thank-you letter.

Tip 7: Medical Interview Preparation

Most aspirants start their medical interview preparation as they are running out of time. This approach can cost you time and money. Patience and clarity are important when you are starting to prepare.

Time-Saving Tips:

  • Research the medical school you’re applying to. Look out for their mission, values, and special programs.
  • Understand the school’s curriculum. Clinical experiences and activities they conduct outside of their classes.
  • During your interview, show what you have learned about them so that you understand and agree with their goals.

Tip 6: What is an MMI Interview?

The Multi Mini Interview (MMI) is a type of interview that many medical schools prefer nowadays.

In an MMI, you go through various stations, each with different situations or ethical problems.

MMI looks:

  • Communication skills
  • Critical Thinking skills
  • Decision-Making skill

To do well in MMI interviews, practice beforehand by enhancing your communication, critical thinking and decision-making skills.

Tip 5: Medical School Interview Questions

While most interview questions can vary, some are asked repeatedly.

  • Tell me about yourself.
  • Why do you want to be a doctor?
  • What is your biggest strength and weakness?

               ( Sharing your own stories can reflect authenticity.)

MMI ( Multiple Mini Interview) questions are becoming popular among medical schools. This interview format lasts for 10 minutes or less. You will be presented with a scenario and given time to prepare an answer.

Prepare for these questions, but avoid memorization. You can practice medical mock interviews. It can prepare you to give better responses.

Remember, Be authentic.

Tip 4: Medical Interview Outfit

Imagine You are entering the interview in formal attire.

And You are feeling more confident in it. The interviewer notices your professionalism.

It is vital to make a good impression on the interviewer.

For men, you can wear a suit, shoes and a tie in which you are comfortable.

Women can wear comfortable business suits, closed-toe shoes, and fewer accessories.

If you choose the color, pick the one that conveys professionalism, like black, gray or navy blue.

You can create a positive first impression with professional and comfortablemedical interview attire.

Tip 3: Body Language and Communication Skills

 Most aspirants have this question in mind: How should my body language be in the interview?

Being in a comfortable body posture can help you to feel confident.

Prepare for the interview beforehand by keeping the below points in mind:

  • Maintain Eye Contact
  • Offer a firm Handshake
  • Smile sincerely
  • Active listening- Listen to the interviewer’s questions carefully and respond accordingly.
  • Avoid filler words
  • Practice pausing when necessary

Remember, Your ability to show empathy and interpersonal skills are essential for medical school admissions.

Tip 2: Handling Stress

Once you’re in the interview, it is natural to feel nervous. However, excessive stress can hinder your performance.

To manage stress, practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and mindfulness.

Stay well rested, eat a balanced meal, and arrive early on the interview day.

Remember, Confidence comes from adequate preparation.

The more you practice and rehearse, the more confident you’ll feel during the interview.

Tip 1: Post-Interview Etiquette

What should you do after the interview?

It is better to end with a well-crafted medical school interview thank you letter. You can send personalized thank you notes to each interviewer, showing gratitude and insights.

This gesture reinforces your enthusiasm and professionalism.


Getting to medical school is a dream of many, and with determination and preparation, it can become a reality.

With tough competition, careful planning and attention to detail are essential.

These tips provided here serve as a guide to help you to get to your dream medical school.

You can make a difference by deliberate preparation, understanding the MMI format, answering the common questions authentically, dressing professionally and mastering body language and communication skills.

And handling stress with relaxation techniques and writing a thank you letter for the final touch after the interview.

What’s the other tip you would like to add?