5 Tips to Crack any Competitive Exam

competitive exam

Ever wondered how the same person qualifies for the science-based IIT JEE examination and again goes on to write 1200 words essay on political science and philosophy topics for the UPSE CSE examination. Preparing for any competitive exam and qualifying is an art in itself. There is a certain way to approach any examination to clear it in the first attempt. Here are five tips to summarize the roadmap to achieve success in any competitive examination.

Win the mental battle:

Life is always and always a mental game. How many of us tend to get into a class and tag our fellow mates as bright ones and average ones? We do it quite often, don’t we? Somewhere down the line, we start tagging ourselves in our heads. You have to make yourself believe in your abilities. If you give up before trying, you will never be able to make it. Of course, as your preparation becomes better, your confidence will also enhance.

Follow a strict routine:

Consistency is the key to success. Having a study plan is the first thing to do after being thorough with the syllabus. You must what you have to study and when you have to study. Hard work must be supported by smart work. Just studying without a proper plan and routine will take you nowhere. Have your materials and planning ready before starting the full-fledged preparation. Also, there should not be any gap in studies. No matter where you are stuck, try to study something even it is on your smartphone. Do not leave a gap. Friends and family are important but there is no room for gossips. You can party once in a while but gossip is a big no as it is like a virus that will corrupt the system which is your brain.

Study a thing thrice:

Finding a topic tough? Study it thrice. Mind is just another machine that needs to be programmed. When you find a topic completely alien to you, it seems a bit complex. This may cause anxiety in your system leading to self-doubt. If you try hard to understand the topic at once which may be overwhelming at times. Just give yourself time to absorb the content. When you study the same thing twice and if needed, then thrice, you strengthen the concept in your head. It would be a time taking process but then there is no shortcut to hard work. I am repeating again, everything is a mental game. If you start enjoying what you read, it will never feel like hard work.

No study without pen and paper:

In this era of the internet, everyone is flooded with information which leads to a certain misconception of ‘I –know-it-all’ in the users. Even if you have all the material related to your subject, simply going through them is never a good option. Try to write down what you are comprehending. It is always good to write as it gives clarity to thoughts. Also, when your eyes and hands coordinate to write, it makes a lasting impression on your mind. Studying is all about training your brain for the given subject so that you can solve complex problems from a given concept.

Question banks:

Having knowledge is excellent but you do have a syllabus to stick to and an exam to crack. You should be familiar with the exam pattern and the time you should dedicate to each part of the question paper. Have your clock and a previous year’s question paper, and solve it in the given time. Once you are done, be brutal in judging your effort. Do not wait to complete your syllabus before attempting the previous years’ papers. Just start midway so that your preparation follows the track of the exam pattern.

The materials for any exam can be easily accessed on the internet. Thanks to digital marketing, online education helps students from very remote areas and poor financial backgrounds. Various digital marketing course by google are available where you can also learn the skill of digital marketing to help others promote their business. Digital world has made education accessible to one and all. The only issue is over-flooding of information. Just know what you have to study, choose the right material and study it well. 

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