What Are Some Tips To Help You Buy Custom Basketball Jerseys?


Custom basketball jerseys play a major role in your team’s representation. Not only do they make your team look amazing on the court, but also allows them to solely focus on the game and outperform their opponent – indeed, they hold a great value when it comes to winning. Speaking of which, it is crucial that your team must have the right uniform to perform at their best in every game. 

Buying custom jerseys for your team can be an arduous task if you’re just an amateur and don’t have any guidelines to begin with. But no need to worry, in this blog, you’ll find all the important details and tips needed to buy the right jersey for your team. So, let’s begin! 

Plan Your Budget 

It’s better to start with setting up a budget for purchasing custom basketball jerseys for your team. Based upon a number of your teammates, you’ll also need extra sets of uniforms, so it’s in the best interest to order more than your estimated number. Not only does it provide you a cost estimate but also helps you avoid the helpless situation where you’re running out of cash. You can plan your budget by analyzing the total expenditure for the rest of the year. Check how much amount of money can be received from your sponsors or if you’re in need to collect more funds. Either way, keep yourself prepared by having enough amount of money to spend that will meet your team’s outfitting needs.     

Pick A Size & Fit That Suits Your Team  

The traditional basketball uniform consists of a tank top and loose shorts, but based upon the age group and gender of your team, there can be variations in the fit and size. As younger kids might need smaller uniforms that are easy to put on, take off, and clean. While older players might require a loose fit, breathable, professional grade uniforms that doesn’t restrict them to perform at their best in the court. In addition, women might require tank tops that have smaller arm openings and the wider straps which provide them the needed support for their bodies when they’re playing. It is necessary to consider all these factors for deciding on what kind of uniform style your team needs.      


While choosing custom basketball jerseys for your players, you must prioritize quality at every cost. It is recommended that you look for nothing but professional-grade   which means that uniforms are made from high quality fabric, have the perfect stitching and immaculate lettering. In addition, please confirm that the seller company is following the standard manufacturing methods and a QA process that guarantee the quality and durability of the products in every manner.  

Note that coveted quality comes with a cost – which is a challenge faced by many teams but it can be settled down with a little research in the market. Amid the plethora of uniform businesses, it’s become easier to get affordable uniforms manufactured at cost-competitive prices. All you need to do is research and you’ll end up with the good options. 


When it comes to choosing the material of the uniforms, there are myriad of options available, but you should always go for lightweight fabrics. Because players need to perform at their best without any obstructions, for which their uniforms need to be lightweight, breathable, and comfortable. It is necessary that the basketball uniforms are made from the 100% polyester ultra-lightweight fabric – that is breathable and provides maximum comfort. You can pick NBA mesh or dazzle fabric as they’re the preferred choices in today’s sporting uniforms. 

Color Scheme

Before choosing a specific color scheme, you must consider the league’s regulations about the uniform guidelines – which include instructions about colors and shades. Speaking of which, many clubs, leagues, and tournaments have regulations about the color scheme and prevent teams from having the same color uniform as well. We’d recommend you to garner information from all the resources, it’ll surely help you to be on the safer side and pick the right shade uniform. 

Opt For A Trusted Manufacturer/ Uniforms Seller 

There are so many sportswear sellers and manufacturers in the market at the moment, and it requires only one click to see their information, pricing, and services. But it is necessary that you pick up with a quality seller that provides you the real value for the money you spend. Before handing over your order to the manufacturer, check out their services, decoration options, and most importantly, reviews and ratings. Before proceeding to the order placement, do your comprehensive research for all the crucial factors and then assign them the job to create your uniforms. 

Comfort Over Everything 

It goes without saying that discomfort majorly contributes to distractions and can lead to a bad performance – which of course you don’t want in any condition. Make sure that a custom jersey doesn’t contain particular stitching, style, or cut that can bother players during the game or obstruct their performance in any way. And every uniform option that restricts the players’ movements should be eliminated. 

Take Opinions Of Your Teammates  

It’d be no brainer to say that custom basketball jerseys will represent your team at all levels, at every game they play – so why not take the opinion of your teammates on what exactly want in their uniforms. There’s a possibility that they might come up with some incredible ideas about color, or style which you want to incorporate in the final design. Ask them what colors they want to have, what style they exactly want, and more such stuff.  

So these were all the tips you need to have – we hope the above information will guide you in purchasing the right custom jersey for your team – good luck!

Author Bio:

Angela George is a community manager by profession and a blogger by passion. Her love for creating video content makes her try new things.

She also loves to travel and likes to share her experiences with audiences through her blogs.

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