Tooth: Prevention And Treatment Of  Gingivitist

tooth prevention

Tooth, from our interactions with patients, we have observed that gingivitis is one of the common dental issues brought on by poor hygiene and a lack of understanding of its repercussions. Gingivitis is characterised by a change in the gingival tissue’s colour, texture, and contour, which may affect only a portion or the entire tooth’s circumference.

The first signs are a discreet change in color and a tendency to bleed from inside the gingival groove. These changes can evolve into hypertrophy of the tissue, with an important change in color to red-violet and a tendency to slight damage when brushing , or even because of food. In technical terms, the gingival groove can grow through hypertrophy in the occlusal sense, to a depth of 3-4 mm, but the epithelial insertion remains at the enamel-cement junction, especially in the early stages of gingivitis.

The cause of gingivitis is the presence and unwanted activity of bacteria. Bacteria are organized in the form of a soft mass, called bacterial plaque. If this plaque remains in the vicinity of the gum, it will inevitably lead to an inflammatory response, due to bacterial toxins. The pathological defense potential; however, it is being investigated whether the body’s response differs from one bacterial group to another.

Strict dental hygiene can help treat and even prevent gingivitis. Getting rid of tartar and/or bacterial plaque is how gingivitis is treated. This is not always simple to perform since tartar, which is more challenging to remove from the tooth, forms when the bacterial plaque ages and absorbs calcium and phosphate ions.

Maintaining Dental Hygiene: Key Strategies for Plaque Removal and Gingivitis Prevention

However, the tooth can be kept clean if the plaque is cleaned every day. Any circumstance that makes it difficult for the patient to remove the plaque needs to avoided or fixed. This entails preserving the proper shape of dental crowns and roots, avoiding bridges that cannot cleaned, and getting rid of crowded dental areas that reduce the efficiency of cleaning methods.

When gingivitis not properly treated, it develops into a severe chronic marginal periodontitis that eventually results in tooth loss and the elimination of the marginal periodontium.

 Everything lies in the individual behavior of everyone.

Dental health education aims to change people’s attitudes and behaviours to promote lifelong oral health while also preventing diseases of the oral cavity.

In the first phase, the dentist seeks to prevent the occurrence of disease and disorders, targeting, in particular, healthy individuals.

Through early discovery and treatment, secondary prevention tries to halt the spread of the illness.

The tertiary prevention phase consists in offering help to patients to bear the consequences of the disease and limits the risk of relapse.

In dental education, it is important to be as informed as possible about these conditions and not to listen to all kinds of contradictory advice. Ask for the advice of a specialist, because you can count on him to give patients simple and clear messages.

The main ways through which such educational information reaches patients are:

  1. a) mass media – expensive alternatives;
  2. b) community programs – must planned, focused and monitored very carefully;
  3. c) face to face in the clinical environment – the greatest success, because it adapts to each individual.

Causes And Prevention Of Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth Sensitivity – The Main Causes

tooth sensitivity or dentinal hypersensitivity is a global oral health problem that affects the quality of life. Studies show that the incidence of this condition varies from 10% to 30% in the general population, but also that 42% of people between the ages of 18 and 35 have dental sensitivity.

It is a fairly easy problem to identify, because when you eat something sweet, drink something very cold or when you brush your teeth, the pain or a strong discomfort may appear.

The pain can be moderate or severe, it can appear suddenly and it can be present in a single tooth or in a group of teeth at the same time. Experts claim that women are more likely than males to experience dental sensitivity, which typically affects the premolars and incisors.

Tooth Sensitivity – The Main Causes

The causes of dental sensitivity are multiple. It is important to emphasize that we talking about dentinal hypersensitivity when the occurrence of toothache or discomfort cannot attributed to any other dental pathology, such as caries, periodontal diseases, dental trauma, sensitivity after dental implant treatment.

Understanding Tooth Sensitivity: Causes and Contributing Factors

If the dentist excludes all these dental problems, and the pain continues to occur, then the diagnosis of tooth sensitivity  established.

As a rule, this condition occurs when the enamel that protects the teeth is too thin, due to abrasion or erosion of the teeth. Although they are forms of tooth enamel wear, erosion and abrasion have different causes.

Thus, erosion defined as the irreversible loss of tooth structure. Due to the chemical dissolution of the enamel as a result of the consumption of acidic foods. And drinks (orange juice, wine , beer) or due to gastric juice. On the other hand, abrasion brought on by an unnatural mechanical process. Like biting your nails, chewing on something hard, or using an abrasive toothpaste.

Gingival Retraction Considered A Cause Of Tooth Sensitivity

Gingival retraction can expose both dentin and cementum. Creating sensitive areas on the surface of the roots. Due to the buildup of tartar and dental plaque, gingivitis. An inflammation of the gingival tissue, can encourage gum retraction. In the more serious stages, periodontal pockets also appear, spaces that can occupied by bacteria or dead cells. Causing the situation to worsen. Dentin is that part of the tooth that, at the level of the crown, icovered by enamel. And at the level of the root it covered by a very thin layer of a material called cementum.

Dental traumas also lead to the exposure of the dentin and, implicitly, to the appearance of tooth sensitivity.

The condition known as bruxism, which characterised by teeth grinding, rubbing. Or clenching, is another factor in enamel erosion. If bruxism not diagnosed in time by the dentist and not treated. The dental tissues affected and gingival retraction occurs, which will lead to tooth sensitivity.

Aggressive and frequent tooth brushing and teeth whitening . Treatments or scaling mentioned as possible causes. But the prevalence of tooth sensitivity determined by these factors has not been clearly established. Most of the time, it is a temporary discomfort that disappears in a few days.

Dental sensitivity – Prevention and treatment

The first step is to always take good care of your dental cavity’s health. Even for the smallest problem, it recommended to consult the dentist. Also, don’t forget the mandatory checkups every six months, even if you don’t feel any pain.

Clean your teeth somewhere around two times day to day. With a rough-free toothpaste. Regular oral hygiene reduces the risk of tooth sensitivity and helps prevent gingivitis . Make sure that your brushing done correctly.

Dentists recommend fluoride toothpaste or toothpastes specially designed to desensitize teeth as a treatment method for dental hypersensitivity. These toothpastes contain potassium salts, which studies have shown to be effective in lowering tooth sensitivity. In addition, it is good to use a small amount of water, for a long-lasting positive effect. Dental Clinic, we take care of your awesome smile.