Top 10 PHP Frameworks for Web Development: 2024 

php frameworks

Why choose PHP frameworks for your web development projects? 

In this growing tech world of web development, PHP frameworks play a pivotal role in enhancing efficiency, scalability, and maintainability. These frameworks provide a structured foundation. That helps developers in producing robust applications. If you’re perplexed and thinking which Laravel development agency to choose, then you’re in the correct place.  In this blog, we will be seeing the frameworks of PHP, and we will be throwing light on each framework and stating why it’s important for your business and also describe a few of its perks.

What is PHP framework? 

PHP is a well-known server-side programming language used in web development. Also, the frameworks deliver a structured way to provide and organize code. Which makes the development process more effective and scalable.

Key features of PHP frameworks include:

MVC Architecture: Most PHP frameworks utilizes the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern. This separation of concerns assists developers to create their code into various modules for looking after data (Model), presentation (View), and application logic (Controller).

Code Reusability: Frameworks uplift the reuse of code via the creation of modules, libraries, and components. This will lead them to more maintainable and scalable applications.

Database Support: PHP frameworks provide tools and libraries to interact with databases. Making it smooth to perform common database operations.

Template Engine: Frameworks commonly include a templating engine that differentiates the presentation layer from the application logic. This process provides a space for clean and easy maintenance.

Middleware: Middleware components assist in managing HTTP requests and responses. This allows them for the execution of a few extra functionalities be it before or after the main application logic.

Uses of PHP framework: 

  1. Structure: Provides organized code structure.
  2. Efficiency: Enhances development efficiency.
  3. MVC: Follows the Model-View-Controller architecture.
  4. Reusability: Encourages code reuse.
  5. Security: Offers built-in security features.

Now, that you know what PHP framework and it’s uses, let’s jump into the top 10 popular PHP frameworks of 2024: 


Why it’s important: Laravel has become synonymous with elegant syntax and developer-friendly tools. Its expressive coding style and rich feature set make it the go-to framework for building modern, dynamic web applications.

  • Perks:
  • Artisan Console: Simplifies repetitive tasks and automates code generation.
  • Eloquent ORM: Offers an intuitive and expressive way to interact with the database.
  • Blade Templating Engine: Facilitates the creation of beautiful and dynamic views.
  • Laravel Mix: Streamlines asset compilation and management.
  • Robust Ecosystem: Benefit from a thriving community and a wealth of pre-built packages.


Why it’s important: Symfony is renowned for its flexibility and modularity, making it an excellent choice for both small projects and large-scale applications. Its reusable components and architecture promote best practices in software development.

  • Perks:
  • Reusable Components: Symfony’s components can be used independently in any PHP project.
  • Flexibility: Allows developers to choose components as needed, providing a tailored development experience.
  • Symfony Console: Powerful command-line tools for automating tasks.
  • Twig Templating Engine: An efficient and secure template engine for creating dynamic content.


Why it’s important: CodeIgniter is celebrated for its lightweight nature and straightforward configuration, making it an ideal choice for developers who prefer simplicity without compromising on functionality.

  • Perks:
  • Small Footprint: Minimal server requirements and quick installation.
  • MVC Architecture: A clear separation of concerns for better code organization.
  • Active Record Implementation: Simplifies database interactions.
  • Extensive Documentation: Well-documented framework for easy learning and troubleshooting.

Zend Framework:

Why it’s important: Now known as Laminas Project, Zend Framework boasts a robust and secure foundation for enterprise-level applications. It emphasizes code reusability, maintainability, and scalability.

  • Perks:
  • Extensive Library: A wide range of components for various common tasks.
  • Decoupled Components: Enables developers to use individual components independently.
  • Secure Coding: Emphasis on security measures for protecting applications.
  • Enterprise-Level Support: Suitable for large-scale, mission-critical applications.


Why it’s important: Yii (Yes, it is!) is a high-performance framework that excels in building robust and feature-rich applications. Its streamlined development process and powerful caching capabilities contribute to its popularity.

  • Perks:
  • Gii Code Generator: Accelerates the creation of models, controllers, forms, and more.
  • Active Record: Simplifies database interactions with an object-oriented paradigm.
  • Powerful Caching: Boosts performance by efficiently caching data and queries.
  • RESTful API Development: Facilitates the creation of RESTful APIs with ease.


Why it’s important: Phalcon stands out as a C-extension framework, offering exceptional performance by being written in C and delivered as a compiled extension. This unique approach sets it apart in terms of speed and efficiency.

  • Perks:
  • Low Overhead: Being a C-extension, Phalcon minimizes resource usage and boosts performance.
  • MVC Architecture: Promotes a clear and organized structure for application development.
  • Asset Management: Provides tools for managing and optimizing web assets.
  • Universal Autoloader: Simplifies class loading, enhancing overall efficiency.


Why it’s important: Slim is a micro-framework that excels in creating small to medium-sized web applications and APIs. Its minimalist design and focus on essential features make it a preferred choice for lightweight projects.

  • Perks:
  • Minimalist Design: Ideal for projects where a full-stack framework might be overkill.
  • Powerful Routing: Flexible routing capabilities for defining URL patterns.
  • Middleware Support: Easily extend functionality through middleware components.
  • Dependency Injection Container: Facilitates the management of class dependencies.


Why it’s important: CakePHP is renowned for its convention over configuration approach, providing developers with a consistent and structured environment. It streamlines the development process and promotes rapid application development (RAD).

  • Perks:
  • Conventions: Reduces the need for configuration by following naming conventions.
  • Bake Code Generation: Accelerates development with automated code generation.
  • ORM Support: Simplifies database interactions with a powerful Object-Relational Mapping layer.
  • Built-in Security: Implements various security features to protect against common vulnerabilities.


Why it’s important: As the successor to Zend Framework, Laminas maintains a strong focus on delivering a robust foundation for enterprise-level applications. It continues the legacy of its predecessor with a commitment to quality and security.

  • Perks:
  • Middleware Architecture: Embraces middleware for building flexible and scalable applications.
  • Decoupled Components: Enables the use of individual components independently.
  • Comprehensive Documentation: Well-documented framework for ease of learning and troubleshooting.
  • Enterprise-Grade Security: Implements advanced security measures for safeguarding applications.


Why it’s important: FuelPHP is an MVC framework that prioritizes flexibility and security. It’s designed to be modular and extensible, providing developers with the freedom to tailor the framework to the specific needs of their projects.

  • Perks:
  • HMVC Architecture: Supports Hierarchical Model-View-Controller for better modularization.
  • Asset Management: Simplifies the handling and optimization of assets.
  • Oil Console: A powerful command-line tool for various development tasks.
  • Authentication and Security: Built-in features for user authentication and enhanced security.


In this landscape of popular frameworks of PHP, selecting the correct fit for your web development is important. The frameworks listed above each have their own distinct strengths, delivering various requirements for each project’s requirements. These frameworks have been designed to help you with your development process. If you’re seeking for a company that can provide adequate assistance, contact Laravel India. Where we have an expert team who’s always ready to deliver innovative experience. The team has years of experience in delivering and providing projects as per the requirements of the clients.