Debunking Myths About Total Knee Replacement Surgery

Living with severe knee pain due to arthritis or injury can significantly impact daily life, making simple activities like walking or climbing stairs challenging. When non-surgical treatments no longer provide relief, total knee replacement surgery becomes a viable option. This safe and effective procedure aims to alleviate pain, correct deformities, and restore functionality to help individuals resume normal activities. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the anatomy of the knee, reasons for considering knee replacement surgery, the surgical process, and address common myths associated with this transformative procedure.

In this article, we will also burst some common myths about total knee replacement surgery to help the readers get a better and clearer understanding of the surgery. To make this post knowledgeable, the expert doctors at Simpain Ortho, renowned for providing the best Total Knee Replacement in Delhi, have shared their insights. Keep reading to learn more.

Understanding the Anatomy of the Knee

The knee, the body’s largest joint, plays a crucial role in everyday activities. Composing the femur, tibia, and patella, the knee joint relies on articular cartilage, menisci, ligaments, and muscles for smooth functioning. Disease or injury can disrupt this harmony, resulting in pain, weakness, and reduced function.

Who is an Ideal Candidate for Total Knee Replacement?

The decision to undergo total knee replacement should be a collaborative effort involving the patient, family, primary care doctor, and orthopedic surgeon. For those with severe knee pain, stiffness, inflammation, deformity, or who have not responded to other treatments, surgery might be advised.

The Surgical Procedure of Total Knee Replacement

Usually, a total knee replacement procedure takes one to two hours. In order to restore alignment and function, the surgeon removes damaged bone and cartilage and replaces it with metal and plastic implants. Following surgery, patients are admitted to the recovery room and either moved into a hospital room or released home.

Post-Surgery Care and Avoiding Complications

Patients need to pay close attention to what their orthopedic surgeon says in order to guarantee a speedy recovery. This includes spotting warning indicators for possible side effects like infections and blood clots. There is a significant way to lower the risk of these complications with early detection and appropriate action.

Let’s Debunk Common Myths Associated with Knee Replacement Surgery

Myth 1: Delaying Knee Replacement is Preferable.

Fact: Waiting until pain becomes unbearable isn’t necessary. Osteoarthritis is progressive, and delaying surgery may complicate matters. Surgeons find it more challenging, and patient health may deteriorate, increasing surgery risks.

Myth 2: Medication is Better Than Knee Replacement.

Fact: Long-term medication has side effects and only offers temporary relief. Advanced arthritis often necessitates surgery, especially for rheumatoid patients. Delaying surgery may cause technical complications.

Myth 3: Alternative Therapies Cure Advanced Arthritis.

Fact: No scientifically proven non-surgical cure exists for advanced knee arthritis. While alternative therapies offer temporary relief, they don’t provide a permanent solution. Surgery might be inevitable.

Myth 4: Age is a Barrier for Knee Replacement.

Fact: Age isn’t a contradiction. Elderly patients can undergo knee replacement if they are clinically fit. Even individuals in their late 80s have successfully undergone the surgery.

Myth 5: Knee Replacement Surgery Is Painful.

Fact: Modern pain management ensures minimal pain during and after surgery, facilitating a smoother recovery.

Myth 6: Post-Surgery, Some Activities Must Be Given Up

Fact: Patients often resume activities like walking or cycling within a few months. While contact sports might be avoided, many regular activities can be resumed.

Myth 7: Driving Becomes Impossible After Knee Replacement.

Fact: Driving becomes easier post-surgery, with most patients resuming within 6-8 weeks.

Myth 8: Recovery From Knee Replacement Takes Months.

Fact: Patients become independent for basic activities within 24-48 hours. Social activities, kitchen work, and even returning to work happen within a few weeks.

Myth 9: Knee Replacements Are Done One at a Time.

Fact: If the patient is fit, both knees can be replaced simultaneously, which is quite common.

Myth 10: New Knees Last Only 10 Years

Fact: Modern precision and advancements in materials make today’s joint replacements last 20-25 years or more, often a lifetime.

Myth 11: Obesity Prevents Knee Replacement

Fact: Knee replacement is possible in obese patients and can even aid in weight loss post-surgery due to increased mobility.

Myth 12: Health Conditions Prohibit Knee Replacement

Fact: Diabetes, hypertension, and heart ailments aren’t barriers. Proper pre-anesthetic assessments make surgery feasible, and it often improves these conditions post-recovery.

Myth 13: Knee Replacement Means Entire Knee Removal

Fact: Only damaged surfaces are replaced with artificial ones. It’s more of a resurfacing or repair.

Myth 14: Patients Can Choose Implants Online

Fact: Implant selection is best left to the surgeon’s expertise and familiarity with various designs.

Myth 15: Expensive Implants Are Superior

Fact: Expensive does not always imply superior. Some newer, cheaper implants show comparable results to expensive ones with longer track records.

Myth 16: Costly Implants Guarantee Good Results

Fact: Success relies on both the implant and surgical technique, not just the cost.

Myth 17: Knee Replacement Can’t Be Revised

Fact: In unfortunate cases, a second knee replacement (revision surgery) is possible with good long-term survival.


Total knee replacement surgery is a transformative procedure that can provide relief and improve the quality of life for individuals suffering from severe knee pain. By debunking common myths surrounding the surgery and understanding the realities, patients can make informed decisions about their treatment. Consulting with orthopedic surgeons, following post-surgery guidelines, and actively participating in physical therapy contribute to a successful recovery and a return to a more active, pain-free lifestyle.

To learn more about total knee replacement surgery, one can book an appointment with a top Orthopaedic Surgeon in Delhi at Simpain Ortho. An advanced facility equipped with specialist doctors who are dedicated to providing the best results. To start your pain-free journey, consult now!