Here’s why You Should be Hiring Cleaning Services Right Away!

Hiring Cleaning Services

We have often heard the phrase, ‘cleanliness is next to godliness’. We often tend to neglect this trait in the hue and cry of our daily routines. It is quite likely that due to our negligence, a bunch of spiders might trespass our humble abode and make it their own. Sometimes we just do not have the time to cleaning services our house and equipment. 

This is where we should think about contacting a cleaning company. A cleaning company provides a wide range of services in different locations right from oven cleaning to carpet cleaning. The company consists of trained professionals and cleaning experts who look forward to deliver the best possible result.

According to the state or condition of the house or equipment, there are three major levels of cleaning that we can choose from. These cleaning methods consists of:

Regular Cleaning

This is one of the most common type of cleaning. This consists of a 2-to-3-hour cleaning of the whole house. This generally includes mopping of floors and vacuuming of carpets. This service is availed after a party or some event that was hosted in our house. This is also highly used for a smaller setup, like a flat or apartment. 

Deep Cleaning

This type of cleaning is more thorough and requires more amount of time. Depending upon the size of the house, sometimes deep cleaning could last for more than a day as well. Deep cleaning makes sure that every last bit of dust and cobweb is exterminated from our house. This service also includes carpet cleaning in which all the dirty carpets are vacuumed and dry-cleaned properly.

End-of-tenancy cleaning

This particular type of cleaning is specifically availed by landlords. It is often noted that after the tenant’s rental agreement is over, the particular apartment becomes next to unlivable. In order to combat this situation, the ‘end-of-tenancy’ cleaning comes into play. In this, the cleaning officials make sure that every little nook and corner is cleaned in order revive the house. 

Many a times, in a fully or semi-furnished setup, the equipment of the house also require cleaning. There are services which include oven cleaning, to make sure that they are thoroughly cleaned.

The cleaning industry is quite vast and well spread. The following is a list of cleaning services that we can avail:

Laundry Cleaning

This is one of the most basic and sought-after services in the cleaning industry. In a rental setup, it often gets tough for an individual to look after their laundry. This service makes sure that the clothes are properly cleaned, ironed and folded. Some cleaning companies also incorporate carpet cleaning Andover, along with laundry services.

Sanitization Services

This service has recently become quite popular due to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic. In this type of cleaning, the officials make sure that every nook and corner of the premises are properly sanitized. These services are highly availed in places like hospitals, airports, railway stations and malls.

Green Cleaning

In this cleaning service, it is made sure that all the products that are used are eco-friendly in nature and are biodegradable and do not contain harmful toxins. This type of cleaning is considered to be quite environment friendly. The green cleaning service also easily distinguishes itself in the cleaning marketplace. 

Office Cleaning

As the name suggest, this type of cleaning is availed for a workplace. This cleaning takes care of the office premises such as cubicles, reception, kitchen and washroom. Some companies also offeradditional services which include the cleaning of equipment like oven cleaning Newbury.

Carpet Cleaning

This cleaning takes care of all the carpets of the house. This service makes sure that the carpet is stain-free, odor-free and steam cleaned. Carpet cleaning Andover also tries to repair reversible damages on the carpet. 

Chimney Sweeping

A time-to-time chimney clean-up and inspection is a must. In this type of service, officials make sure to clean the fireplace, remodel it (if needed) and repair the chimney. They also inspect for the accumulation of soot, which if not removed, can turn out to be a potential fire hazard. 

Window Cleaning

This type of Cleaning Services deals with the interior and exterior portion of the windows. The service makes sure that the window is thoroughly cleaned and is also repaired (if the damage is reversible). Sometimes, we can receive add-on services along with it, which include services like curtain cleaning and carpet cleaning.

Sports Cleaning

This Cleaning Services is generally availed in places like gyms and sport rooms (in colleges and schools). These places are the most prone to bacterial infestations and fungus. Hence, it is made sure that all the equipment and premises are thoroughly sanitized and cleaned.

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