craigslist auto parts

Have you ever wondered what factors depict the life of your car? Well, maintenance is the key to it. Old or new, cars depend on the maintenance to run smoothly, and it is regular maintenance that saves you from spending too much on the repairs.

Cars are made up of thousands of different parts, and picking out the most important parts can be quite a task. However, some primary parts of the cars are deemed most important as they play a great role in giving a smooth and safe drive.

Therefore, on the basis of the driving experience and the parts that directly affect it are considered the most important. The reason behind picking out the important parts is for the maintenance purposes to increase the lifespan of the cars and eradicate the need for frequent repairs.

This blog will discuss five essential car parts that need regular maintenance to keep your car trouble-free and avoid any possible hazards that you or your car might face in the future.

Read More: Simple and Effective Car Maintenance Services Checklist


Everybody knows that the engine is the heart of the car, and it needs more maintenance than anything to keep the car on the track. Now when it comes to engines, different vehicles have different engines; some have gasoline-fueled engines or petrol/diesel-fueled engines.

Engines are usually categorized and differentiated on the basis of the number of cylinders. Each cylinder in the engine has its individual combustion system, and the size of the engine greatly depends on the number of these cylinders, which decide the power of the engine and, ultimately, the power of the car.

The heart of your car definitely requires regular maintenance and checkups to rule out any issues that might surface in the future.


Brake pads have all the burden of the cars’ safety on them, as without functioning brakes, you cannot drive safely, making brake pads an immensely important car part that requires your acknowledgment and consideration.

Although it is quite difficult to rule out if your brake pads are well-maintained or not, and only the professional car mechanics can help you with that, there are signals that your car gives you if your brake pads need to be replaced.

These signs can include screeching and squeaking sounds from your brake pads, unresponsiveness, and heavy vibration when the brake rotor or pads are pressed. Therefore, whenever you see any of the signs while driving, take your car to the auto parts shop before you get yourself in a potential emergency because of failed brakes.


Car batteries are not given the importance they deserve by car owners and drivers. They are neglected like most car parts and thus lack the regular maintenance they require. One of the major ways of the negligence associated with batteries is that there are no warning signs that could alert the owner to acknowledge that the battery needs maintenance and replacement too.

Therefore, most car problems are seen due to car batteries, which can make your car stop in the middle of nowhere. This could become a potential hazard if you are on unknown paths or countryside because of little supplies, you are stuck in the middle of nowhere.

The common signs that you should look for to check your car’s battery are to calculate the starting time of your car and check for malfunctioning of any of the electrical components of your car; if you see any of these warning signs, its time you replace or recharge your batteries by seeking professional help from the mechanics and technicians.


Tires are the parts of the car that are in contact with the roads. And they are under great friction offered by different surfaces, so you must keep them in shape to keep the car functional. Although it is true that the brakes take care of safety, what is the use of the brakes without the tires? Therefore, your tires need regular checkups and maintenance to make them proficient in taking all the stress offered via different surfaces that your tires move on.

How to know that your tires need a replacement? Well, the tires’ tread depth of less than 4/32 inches needs replacement. The cars’ optimal air pressure is different for different cars; therefore, you need to see your car’s manual given by the manufacturers to know the accurate air pressure of your car. If you know the normal air pressure values for your car, you will definitely notice the changes, and it will be easy to evaluate if your tires need replacement.

Dashboard Instruments

Your car notifies you about everything, although it is true that we overlook things and don’t give much importance to things other than just the common ones. The same goes for the cars’ dashboard instruments; only a few of them are noticed by the drivers, while the others are overlooked.

Almost every driver pays attention to the speedometer and the fuel gauge because they are the common things you need to check. But there are other important things as well, such as a tachometer and oil pressure gauge; the tachometer says a lot about your engine, while the latter tells you about the oil leakages and other oil-related problems.

Keeping all the dashboard instruments in check helps you keep high maintenance of your cars, but these warning signs tell a lot about your car’s overall functioning and should not be disregarded at any cost.

Over to You!

Regular Maintenance is easy and less expensive than a repair, and therefore, the essential parts of the car must be kept up to date with regular checkups. You can take your car to auto parts workshops for regular checkups; craigslist auto parts provide you with the best auto parts in your town, make sure to check in if you are new in the area.

Car rental companies and transportation companies should also maintain their cars and conduct regular checkups to detect any issues in the automobile. Staff transportation companies in Dubai are best in up-keeping the service of their automobiles, hence is a great transportation company in the area.