How Long After Deposition Is Mediation


Have you suffered injuries or faced an accident just because of someone else’s doing and negligence? Then you might have thought of filing a lawsuit and might be thinking about what type of compensation you need to cover for your loss. 

Unfortunately, the truth is that most of the people who go through the legal procedures have no idea of the procedures and steps. They have no idea of deposition or mediation. 

So, in this article, we are going to help you understand what you could face during legal procedures, especially about mediations and depositions. 

What Is Deposition?

In civil cases, a deposition is a witness’s sworn, out-of-court testimony. The witness will answer each of the questions that the attorneys ask him or her throughout the deposition hearing. These answers are going to be recorded by a court reporter.

The deposed witness typically is important to the lawsuit or related to one of the sides in some way. A subpoena will, however, frequently be issued if either of these witnesses declines to be deposed. An individual must appear before a judge or jury at a specific location and time under oath.

The Mediation Process

In the mediation process, a qualified, objective third party who will help the parties reach a settlement listens to both parties’ disagreements about the issue. These mediations could be unscheduled settlement conferences or informal mediations.

The mediator will make an opening statement during which they will briefly describe themselves, the parties, and their legal counsel. The mediator’s costs, the confidentiality of the proceedings, and, if necessary, the signature of the Agreement to Mediate, are then covered and dealt with in administrative procedures.

How Long After Deposition Is Mediation?

In general, there is no set timetable for how quickly mediations will proceed after depositions have been taken. This period can change because these mediations only take place when both parties are fully aware of the advantages and disadvantages of their respective cases. However, mediations typically take place nine to 18 months following an event on average.

How long after deposition is settlement?

Within 30 days after the transcript is made available, either party may study the file and make any required adjustments. Finding inconsistencies and resolving disparities in settlement expectations, can take more than a month. Reaching a satisfactory solution should not take long if further mediation resolves these problems. 

Delays, however, could happen as a result of:

  • Travel needs outside of the state
  • Fresh data from a deposition
  • Summons for more records and documents
  • Complications resulting from recently found evidence
  • Contradictions between the testimony and the evidence

Factors Influencing the Timing of Mediation After Deposition

Case Complexity:

More intricate cases with numerous issues or parties can require longer preparation before mediation can be effective. Some parties may wish to hold off on mediation until they feel they have a solid grasp of all the case’s complexities, especially if they believe this could give them an advantage in the mediation process.

Discovery Phase Completion:

Mediation might be more productive if held after the discovery phase is complete. This ensures that all parties have all the pertinent facts and can evaluate their positions accordingly. On the other hand, early mediation, even before depositions, can be beneficial in some cases to avoid the costs associated with lengthy discovery.

Party and Attorney Preparedness:

If the parties and their attorneys are not prepared for mediation – either because they haven’t fully reviewed the discovery materials, don’t have a clear strategy, or are emotionally unready – the mediation might not be successful. Mediation requires both parties to be willing and ready to negotiate, and being unprepared can hinder the process.

Court Docket and Scheduling:

The court’s schedule might influence when mediation occurs. For instance, if there’s a long wait for a trial date, parties might be more inclined to mediate sooner. Conversely, if a trial date is imminent, there might be more pressure to attempt mediation as a last-ditch effort to resolve the matter before the court.

Mediator Availability:

The best mediators are often in high demand. Their availability can influence when the mediation occurs. Additionally, the mediator’s style and method can impact the length and number of sessions required.

How to Improve Your Chances of Settling

Keep Detailed Records:

Make sure that you have all relevant documents, communications, and evidence related to the dispute. Moreover, keeping everything organized will not only aid in your understanding of the situation but also present a more compelling case to the other side.

Be Patient:

Dont be too eager to settle, as the other side might interpret this as desperation and take a more rigid stance. Take the time to fully understand the other side’s position and concerns. This will make you more effective in negotiations.

Be Open and Honest During Mediation:

Clear communication helps prevent misunderstandings, which can be a major hurdle to settlement. While you should be cautious and strategic about what you share, providing key information can sometimes move negotiations forward.


Legal procedures may be difficult to understand. Depositions and mediation related to personal injuries can be demanding and time-consuming. They can, however, also provide outcomes that are more appropriately resolved than a courtroom battle.

Moreover, do not wait any longer to get the legal assistance you require if an accident has hurt you or a loved one and you want to file a lawsuit. Instead, speak with a skilled personal injury lawyer right away for a free case examination, and let your counsel explain how they can take on this battle and get the justice and compensation you are due.