Understanding and overcoming the challenges encountered during building and maintaining EV charging stations

ev charging stations

Electric vehicles are becoming extremely popular, with more people opting for sustainable transportation options. And the infrastructure needed to support these vehicles is slowly catching up. One of the main challenges regarding EV charging stations is installing and maintaining them. So if you are planning to install a charging station by working with an electric vehicle chargers company, here are some challenges that you may encounter and how to overcome them.

This blog will discuss some challenges associated with building and maintaining EV charging stations and how to overcome them.

Accessibility and location

The location at which the charging station is set up is important to its success. The EV chargers should be installed at strategic locations so that they are easily accessible and have a high footfall. But finding such sites is challenging for the electric vehicle chargers company due to the limited availability of land, high real estate costs, and zoning restrictions. Hence it becomes extremely important to work with local authorities and stakeholders to identify the most suitable for setting up the charging stations.  


Not only building EV charging stations but also maintaining them can be expensive. The installation, cost of equipment, and ongoing maintenance add up quickly. But this challenge can be overcome by exploring the various funding options like subsidies, grants, and partnerships with private companies. These organizations also help generate revenue to cover the cost of operation and maintenance.

Technical challenges

Installing and maintaining EV charging stations requires technical expertise, which includes knowing the electrical systems, software integration and networking. The best solution is to work with experienced professionals and companies specializing in EV charging infrastructure. Also, ensure that you invest in high-quality equipment and software to assure customer reliability and ease of use.

Exceptional user experience

The success of EV charging stations highly depends on the user experience. Remember that customers expect convenient and easy access to charging facilities, transparent pricing, and reliable equipment. These expectations can only be met if you invest in user-friendly interfaces, responsive customer support, and clear signage. Moreover, you can also use some other value-added services like restrooms, WiFi, and snacks in order to enhance the user experience and encourage repeat business.

Regulatory compliance

There are various standards and regulations that EV charging stations should be complied with, including accessibility, safety, and environmental requirements. Hence, make sure that you stay up to date with the local and national regulations. You can also work with certified installers and equipment providers and conduct regular safety inspections and maintenance checks. 

Multiple connectors for charging electric vehicles

An EV charging station should include all the charging connectors so electric vehicle users can access the chargers or any charging connector. Some common charging connectors include Bharat DC-001, Combined Charging System (CCS), CHAdeMO, and AC-001. All of these should be added by installing a single charging station in order to allow customers to select the one that fits the charging port of their electric vehicle. It will also let them choose what type of charging mechanism they want based on their requirements and timing perspectives. 

It would help if you remembered that there are various types of electric vehicles, and hence, there should be chargers with both slow and rapid powers for such situations, depending on the capacity of the taking voltage and current. This requires the installers to spend money as per the customers’ demand. Sometimes, they may also need to install superchargers.

Software related challenges

The availability of charging slots is one of the most important aspects of maintaining a proper infrastructure of the EV charging station. Many EV charging installers find it difficult to set the charging slots after the installation. Therefore, every charging station owner must develop helpful software to make their charging strategy more efficient and save time. India’s Central and State Governments are constantly taking efficient solutions and measures to revolutionize electric vehicles.

Consumer demands for the latest technology

Consumer interest in installing charging equipment has rapidly increased due to the exponential growth and mass adoption of electric vehicles. Hence, you must include equipment like a meter-collar adaptor (MCA), a Level 2 EV charging station, bidirectional charging, and a microgrid interconnect device (MID). MCAs are used as surge protectors for valuable appliances and electronics in case of lightning strikes and utility distribution failures. These also provide power to the charging station without upgrading the main electrical panel. While MIDs are used in conjunction with MCA installations to satisfy the NEC requirements. They can disconnect power sources and loads for the serving utility and then reconnect them as needed.

In conclusion

Installing and maintaining EV charging stations can only be successful with careful planning, collaboration and investment. The above challenges can be easily overcome by being extra cautious so that charging stations can provide a reliable and convenient service to electric vehicle drivers. In this way, you can also contribute towards the transition toward sustainable transportation.