Health Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar For PCOS

Health Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar For PCOS

PCOS stands for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Thousands all over the world suffer from this disease. It exhibits symptoms like weight gain, hair loss, acne, and hormonal imbalance. You may have unfortunately contracted this disease and have tried several treatments, but without getting appropriate results. Don’t be disappointed! Apple cider vinegar (ACV) can help cure PCOS! Explore its benefits and know how to consume it.

Can it treat PCOS?

ACV is effective in treating PCOS or PCOD. It regulates sugar levels in the blood and boosts insulin sensitivity and weight loss. These are crucial to manage PCOD and PCOS symptoms. Before having meals, consume ACV mixed with water. It controls blood sugar levels, regulates menstrual cycles, and addresses hormonal imbalances. Consult a qualified doctor to derive an appropriate dosage suited to your specific health condition.

How does ACV help in treating PCOS?

  • Boosts weight loss: Women suffering from PCOS face challenges in losing or gaining weight. ACV helps in your weight-loss efforts. It enhances feelings of fullness, thereby reducing calorie intake. You can also control your appetite and reduce fat storage in your body.
  • Regulates blood sugar levels: Insulin resistance is a key feature in PCOS, resulting in increased blood sugar levels. ACV enhances insulin sensitivity, thereby reducing sugar levels in the blood after meals. Women with PCOS can benefit from its intake, especially those coping with insulin resistance. 
  • Improved digestion: Digestive issues are common among women. Those suffering from PCOS might experience digestive problems like constipation and bloating. ACV stimulates digestive enzymes, thereby improving gut health. It fosters healthy digestion and alleviates such common PCOS-related digestive symptoms. 
  • Balancing hormones: PCOS symptoms include hormonal imbalances. ACV contains acetic acid, vital to regulating hormone production like leptin and insulin. Thus, it helps balance essential hormones. ACV addresses hormonal imbalances and alleviates a few PCOS-related symptoms.
  • Supports Detoxification: Often PCOS leads to increased toxicity in the body. ACV contains antioxidants, essential to support the detoxification process. It supports liver function, reduces oxidative stress, boosts overall health, and eliminates harmful toxins. Consult the best dietician in Gurgaon to know more about its benefits for PCOS patients.

How should you consume ACV to cure PCOS?

Apple Cider Vinegar has a pungent smell and a tangy taste. You may not be able to consume it easily. Fortunately, there are several interesting ways that you can consume it easily. 

  • Supplements or Tablets: If you don’t like ACV’s unpleasant smell, you may opt for supplements or tablets. Check out the product label and take as directed to derive the benefits. These effervescent tablets contain Vitamin B12 and B6. They help with easy absorption and act quickly. It also boosts detoxification, and metabolism, improves PCOS symptoms, controls appetite, and aids digestion.
  • Diluted in water: It is a commonly adopted method to consume ACVB. Take a glass filled with water, mix 1-2 tbsp ACV, and have it in diluted form. Drink this mix before meals. It helps regulate sugar levels in the blood and boosts digestion. Since it gets diluted in water, it loses its unpleasant smell, enabling you to have it comfortably.
  • Salad dressings: ACV makes an excellent base to dress homemade salad. It is healthy, nutritious and tasty. Combine it with spices, herbs, and olive oil to enhance the taste of the salad. Drizzle the same over salads. You can consume it whenever you feel hungry. You are sure to feel satiated and not put on weight.
  • Add to smoothies: Smoothies are excellent recipes that can be had whenever you desire or feel hungry. You may add it to your choice of smoothies and relish it. Take your favorite vegetables and fruits and blend them with a tbsp of ACV. You can have a nutritious, refreshing beverage. All your family members are sure to love it.

How should you drink ACV if you have PCOS?

Mix ACV of 1-2 tbsp in a glass filled with water. This mixture is better consumed before having meals. It regulates sugar levels in the blood and boosts the digestion process. If you have any allergy to any type of food, you should discuss the same with the dietitian. They will suggest an appropriate diet that you can have with ACV to reduce the symptoms of PCOS.

Cure PCOS with ACV

Apple cider vinegar helps manage PCOS symptoms. But, it cannot be termed to be a cure-all remedy. PCOS management should be approached holistically. Incorporate stress management, regular exercise, and a balanced diet, and make necessary lifestyle changes.