Essential Hacks to Keep Team Members Productive & Motivated

employee motivation

Although being customer-centric is the goal of every company, it is employees who actually accomplish the task. They bring unique skills and knowledge that drive the company’s innovation, problem-solving, and decision-making. 

Yet according to a recent survey, 40% of employees state that engagement and culture are the primary reasons why they leave their jobs. 

So how do you go about boosting engagement at the workplace?

The answer is straightforward: Listen to what your employees have to say. 

In this guide, we have listed five best industry practices that top organizations follow to keep their team members engaged, motivated, and productive. 

Invest in employee support

Employee support refers to the assistance, resources, and services an organization provides to its employees to help them overcome challenges, enhance their well-being, and achieve their full potential. It involves creating a supportive work environment that acknowledges employee needs. 

There are many ways you can provide employees support and help. Here are some of the most popular practices companies like Google and Amazon offer to their employees: 

  • Regular check-ins and feedback sessions: This includes providing a safe and empathetic space for employees to express their thoughts and concerns. Through open communication channels, regular check-ins, workshops, and one-on-one feedback sessions, managers can understand underlying concerns and find win-win solutions. 
  • Work-life balance initiatives: Promoting policies and practices that support a healthy balance between work and personal life is crucial for an employee’s well-being. You can achieve this by facilitating flexible work arrangements, incorporating wellness programs, and offering employee assistance programs.
  • Crafting supportive policies: Establishing fair and transparent policies and procedures that promote equity, diversity, and inclusivity is essential for creating a healthy and productive environment. 

Provide constructive feedback

Constructive feedback plays a pivotal role in employee motivation. Let’s explore how they provide growth opportunities: 

  • Recognizing their efforts: Constructive feedback acknowledges employees’ efforts, accomplishments, and contributions. It validates their hard work and demonstrates that they are valued. 
  • Identifying learning opportunities: Feedback helps employees identify areas where they can improve and acquire new knowledge. Team leaders can talk about their strengths and improvement areas so they can focus their efforts on developing the competencies necessary for their roles. 
  • Setting goals: When employees understand the project vision and how they can contribute, they are more likely to make realistic commitments and work towards it. They will feel aware of their sense of purpose, allowing them to set clear goals from the start.

Create autonomy

While everyone needs guidance and feedback to grow, research has shown that employees who feel they can act with autonomy tend to have a stronger commitment to their jobs. 

Here’s how you can create autonomy to empower your team members: 

  • Delegate tasks: Provide opportunities for team members to take on responsibilities and make independent decisions within their scope. It empowers individuals and helps build trust in their capabilities.
  • Provide resources and support: Ensure team members have the tools and support to perform their tasks autonomously. And also invest time in providing training to make sure they can access the technology and information. 
  • Foster a culture of knowledge sharing: Encourage team members to share their expertise and best practices. Establish platforms or channels for knowledge exchange, such as team meetings, collaborative software, or internal communication tools. This promotes employee motivation as team members learn to support one another.

Don’t miss out on internal communication!

Open and transparent internal communications build trust between employees and the organization. When employees get accurate and timely information, they are more likely to trust their leaders and the decision-making process. This trust fosters a positive work environment and boosts employee motivation.

From sharing stories to workshop notifications, there are multiple internal communications you can craft to engage employees. Some common types of internal communications include:

  • Newsletters and internal publications: These are periodic publications that offer updates on company news, achievements, upcoming events, and other relevant information. They may also include articles, interviews, and feature stories that promote employee engagement.
  • Internal collaboration platforms: These facilitate communication, knowledge sharing, and collaboration across the organization. Employees can connect with others, share ideas, and ask questions for improved collaboration. 
  • Change management communications: These are messages, emails, and documents informing employees about crucial organizational changes. Leaders communicate the reasons for change, the anticipated impact on employees, and the actions required to support the change.

Support ideas and problem-solving

When employees’ ideas are supported and implemented, they can see the direct impact of total contributions, increasing employee motivation and ownership. Here are some ways team leaders can encourage team members to open up and share their ideas:

  • Actively seek input: Encourage participation in team meetings, brainstorming sessions, and decision-making processes. Make it clear that individual ideas are valued and welcomed.
  • Recognize effort: Publicly acknowledge individual efforts, either in team meetings, company-wide communications, or through formal recognition programs. Celebrate successes that result from implementing their ideas, reinforcing the value placed on their contributions.
  • Show genuine interest: Stay involved during team discussions by providing ongoing support, guidance, and encouragement. Check-in regularly, provide updates on progress, and offer assistance when needed. 

Constant experimentation is the key. 

Motivating employees is not an easy job. It requires continuous investment in their development, well-being, and job satisfaction. And since each individual has different needs, you should constantly experiment and find out what motivates them. Once you have created a supportive and engaging work environment that encourages team members to learn and grow, it ultimately transforms into a competitive advantage for your organization.