10 Ways to Boost Employee Wellbeing and Mental Health at Work

mental health

A poor state of mind affects people’s communication, productivity, engagement, and other areas necessary for a flourishing workplace. A work environment is perceived central to activities which can improve the employee’ overall wellbeing. There are obvious gains to be had in the form of productivity and confidence boost, positively impacting employee performance. Which is why having a proper wellness program and support strategies is important for any organization.

Tips to improve employee wellbeing at the workplace

Promote mental health

Even the slightest of changes in organizational culture contributes towards healthier and more satisfied employees. The biggest impact it makes is within the leadership team. Employers should makes sure that managers and team leaders are committed to ensure team member’s wellbeing. Help them understand why it is important and its benefits in the larger scheme of things. Little things like having in-person meetings are easy to adopt and make employees feel valued.

Ask the staff’s opinion

Begin by asking the workforce what they want from the organization and to consider their suggestions. It can bring genuine improvements and also help them feel like they truly belong. Anonymity is key when you want people to open up and give honest suggestions. It engenders the feeling in your team that the business actually cares about them. And is one of the most effective strategies to effectively execute employee mental health practices.

Check in regularly

As the benefits of considering employee recommendations for business improvement has already mentioned. Another equally important point linked to it is how frequently leaders communicate with their employees. Something effortless and simple like a warm greeting from their employer leaves a lasting impact on the staff. Take time out especially, to ask after people in general and how they are faring at work. If they are facing an issue, then remember it and try to solve it to the best of your efforts.

Open involvement

Being involved in the decision-making stage makes the workforce feel more informed about the business. It increases motivation, gives clarity, and helps people gain a better comprehension about their role. Be open about the vision and direction the business is going towards. Ask for your team’s feedback and listen to it carefully. 

Keep track of staff performance

The connection between employee’s mental health and work productivity is undisputed. If you notice someone going downhill, then talk to them and figure out if help is needed. It is best to put their supervisor or manager on the job as soon as the change is evident. Keeping up with employee’s performance allows a business to offer support when a team member is struggling. Reduced productivity and performance are major indicators if an employee is facing problems. 

Invest in development and learning

Significant study of best business practices shows that it is essential to provide employees support at work. They should feel their presence within the workforce is meaningful. The experts from CustomCV.co.uk have quoted that we provide opportunities and newer pathways for both personal and professional development. It builds integrity and trust within our team and helps us provide the best work to our clients. Workplace mentorship programs are an ideal tool for improving staff engagement. 

Arrange events 

“All work and no play make Jack a dull boy” There cannot be a better way to describe the state of an uncreative workplace. Arrange outings and meals for your employees to show gratitude and drive away the monotony. It will also give them opportunity to know their colleagues better. Arrange events off-site once or twice annually. It evokes the feeling of returning something and helps everyone know each more closely. In turn, teamwork and collaboration over projects becomes much easier and produces better results. 

Reward exemplary work

Rewarding employee performance and offering a competitive salary are important and ethical business practices. The feeling of being recognized goes a long way and ensures loyalty and trust from your employees. It can be in the form of a meeting to thank your staff for their efforts. Or highlighting a project they managed to complete successfully. Bring attention to achievements, hard work, and individual efforts of each employee. It directly affects retention, motivation, engagement, and morale boosting.

Be well-informed about stress and mental health triggers

Employers should be aware of points which can trigger unstable mental health and stress in the staff. This will help them come up with solutions if things start to take a wrong turn. Some of these factors are:

  • Long work hours without breaks
  • Handling a high-risk job role
  • Lone working
  • Having expectations that are unrealistic
  • Constant unavailability of annual holidays
  • Heavy workloads
  • Changes at workplace that are not managed correctly 
  • Challenging relationships amid colleagues
  • High pressure work atmosphere
  • Lack of support from the management
  • Not feeling in control during work 
  • Job insecurity
  • Weak internal communication

Compensate accordingly

Make sure your company offers competitive pays and complete transparency regarding pay reviews. It builds respect and trust between the business and employees. Financial matters are the basic factor which impact a worker’s wellbeing. Keep in mind that providing clarity in this area will help you manage expectations in a fair manner. Check the current income for specific fields and roles that are similar to your own business. Even if you do it on annual basis, it will give you a clear image of the market rates.


Do not expect changes to occur overnight. These tips and guidelines by the expert cover letter writing service uk will lead you in the right direction. Some might have immediate results while others require time to bear fruit. Be consistent and committed to the cause and you will build a positive and fully motivated workforce. 

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