6 Types of Push Notifications Users Actually Enjoy

push notifications

Since the modern world is currently very focused on mobile devices, and it may sometimes seem like they’ve become virtually irreplaceable in our day-to-day lives, it’s no wonder that push notifications are no longer completely frowned upon. While the fact of the matter is that there are a lot of them that make us roll our eyes every time we hear our phones ping, there are certainly those that we are more than happy to receive.

Now, the main qualities that the most welcomed push notifications share are personalize approach, as well as timely and relevant information. Depending on the app and the information we present with, push notifications people are actually happy to receive can be divided into several categories.

Here, we’ll mention just some of the Push Notifications

Push notifications about time-sensitive information

This type of notifications shares with the user any important information that may affect the plans of the user. They are usually a part of various traffic or weather apps and they should contain clear and concise information. Depending on the notification you might alter your plans for the day or get on with your business but be more prepared for something that could otherwise catch you off guard. Since we generally dislike surprises, especially the unpleasant ones, it’s quite clear why this type of notification is usually more than welcome.

Highly-personalized push notifications

Next, we have notifications that are highly personal in nature. Be it your period tracking app or your favorite streaming platform, these types of notifications alert us about anything we personally may find to be extremely useful. However, in order to get the most relevant information, the user must first provide the app with the right amount of data, to ensure that the app will be able to tailor the notification accordingly.

User-subscribed push notifications

When it comes to user-subscribed push notifications you may be certain that they will be welcomed by the users, because they chose to receive them in the first place. That’s why you should allow your users to opt-in if they’d like to receive notifications from you. Furthermore, you should allow them to choose what they want to be informed about.

Live notifications

Live notifications are another type of push notification. People generally like to receive as they provide them with the latest updates. So, make sure your app comes equipped with live notifications so that you can offer real value to your users. This way, user satisfaction will be significantly boosted as well because your users will receive relevant information. In a clear-cut and smart way, which will make the services you offer instantly more desirable as well.

Relevant smart selling notifications

Furthermore, people like to receive notifications related to shopping. Whether we’re talking about excellent discounts, seasonal sales or some other sort of a “great deal” and limited time offer. You should make sure you notify your customers about the upcoming smart shopping opportunities. This way you will appeal to your customers even more because it will show them that you are not only looking to monetize off of them but that you actually want them to score a great deal as well.

“Something just happened” push notifications

These notifications are usually sent as soon as something relevant for the user happens. Since we are generally social in nature, we like to be inform as soon as another person is doing something. That’s related to us in any way. Be it a notification about the fact that someone tagged us in a picture or post. The latest emails we received or any other type of mention. We generally want to know and be informed as soon as it happens. That’s why this type of notifications is also commonly well-receive.

As you can see, nowadays, push notifications are generally speaking much better received. Then they were just a couple of years ago. However, it’s still important to know how and when to send them. And find the right way to limit the amount of information you’re trying to push through them. In order to avoid overwhelming your audience with unnecessary info or coming off spammy. Because that’s precisely the reason people use to dislike this type of service in the past.

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