3 reasons Why We Record Event Films

event film

Organising an event is an immense amount of effort. If you’re hosting a modest professional Q&A session in your workplace or organizing an important event in a different location, events can give you a surprising return on investment with the right knowledge to get the most value of each event you host.

How do you do ?

Filming your event is a fantastic method to make your event memorable and is a cost-effective method to promote brand awareness, engagement, and authority.

The best part is that the ability to use event film in the lead-up to, during and even after the event to enhance your promotional efforts, marketing and lead generation strategies, and more.

The main goal of your video is to record the heart as well as the spirit that your occasion has. Making sure you capture that while also balancing your message for your brand isn’t easy, however. Also, organizing an event is a challenge and difficult. From selecting the appropriate software to manage the event to organizing, presenting, and breaking down, the logistical aspects of filming can appear complicated or overwhelming.

We’re here to tell that it’s not! Making a film is very simple (with the right team) and the rewards are enormous.

Let’s look at some of the ways in which filming your next occasion can help your business grow.

1. event film can extend the length and reach of your event.

They’re great however, they come with one major drawback in that they’re not usually for long enough to create an impression on your marketing. It is possible to expose your brand to thousands of attendees at an event. Or give out flyers to people who will keep for a lengthy duration, but beyond this, the reach of your event is a bit limited.

However, this isn’t the situation when you record it however! When you record your event, it does two important things:

Increases the length.

 With a video your event will be remembered forever – anyone can witness your event, and even view what took place over the years to come , without ever being present.

Expands the reach of HTML0.

 If only locals are able to attend your event because of a lack of promotion or resources video can help you to promote your event to millions of people in the United States and around the globe! All they require is a video URL.

In this way video is the present that never stops giving.

Imagine all leads you get at an event live – they could come via emails that are added to a list of contacts or business cards you received as an auction, or simply the follow-up emails that you receive from those you meet. These are all fantastic however, on their own, these efforts won’t scale.

Video allows them to grow. Video allows you to gather leads from anyone who are anywhere at any moment. Even after the event has ended, video will keep all information provided alive and provide valuable information to those who are interested.

2. Filming your event can give you more content that is dynamic to share.

You’re probably already overwhelmed by marketing efforts. You probably have a website that you need to manage as well as an email list you need to connect with, social media pages to maintain, and many more. There’s an overwhelming task and organize, but finding the most effective and most entertaining, relevant content to post requires a lot in time and energy.

Event video can help here, too. Video is among the most engaging types of content and is able to increase sales more efficiently than other types of content.

Take the time to look at these figures:

If they want to know more about a particular product or service the majority of consumers prefer videos over text.

Video-based companies have an increase of 66 percent on their conversion rate for their websites.

In 2017, companies that made use of video had revenue growth 49 percent more quickly than businesses that didn’t.

This means that you must use video wherever you could. Event video, in particular, is a great option for almost every situation, including the main pages of your website as well as on blogs, in emails communications, on social pages, within your sales funnels, and many more. The ability to embed your event video on an ad’s landing page is a fantastic method of driving direct sales using a simple easy, low-effort upgrade.

Additionally, to providing amazing content that you can distribute to many different venues, event films are very adaptable and repurposed, which means that you can make use of it in many different ways.

Use it to advertise future events.

Gate the full movie to get more leads.

Cut the video into brief quotes or suggestions to use social media.

Establish credibility and industry knowledge.

Make it available to thought leaders you would like to work with.

Enhance Your SEO’s ranking by publishing your complete transcript.

3. Event Films can be utilized at any point in buyers’ journey.

It’s time to get an event planned. You’re aware that you’d like to present your brand to a brand new audience, however, you’re thinking – what else could this event offer more than just new eyes?

The appeal of video events is that they can be utilized throughout the entire buyer’s journey not only in focusing on users who aren’t sure whom you’re, but in directing customers at different points in their purchasing decision-making.

Top of Funnel Event marketing is a great way to present your brand’s message to a wider audience. Make use of your event’s video to promote your event in advertisements and increase the performance of your site’s efficiency through video or enhance your SEO with videos to connect with new customers quickly. What ever you do, videos from events can put your company noticed by people who are not familiar with your brand which allows you to explain your customers to a problem and then provide a solution.

Middle of Funnel

This is where users are weighing their options, conducting research and merely collecting additional information. This is the ideal occasion to create videos to showcase your expertise in the field, while subtly moving users further into the funnel and making sure your brand remains top of mind.

Bottom of Funnel 

Event video can help users sign up, increase sales through testimonials from events or serve as an element of content gated which helps you make that last sale. Make it your own – an event video can also be a valuable value-added in personal sales messages and other.

Are you prepared?

There are many reasons to record the next occasion you attend. Many businesses record their events without contemplating the marketing benefits however, they do it to record their event fully and then use it for internal use.

Spread Films is one of the main companies in Germany to record event films. Particularly for video production companies the appeal for filming occasions is they need minimal preparation. Videographers simply need information about the event as well as an outline of the day’s events and that’s all they need!

They’ll record the best speakers, events such as networking, moments and much more. They can also establish a studio at one location and record every aspect of the day from beginning to the end.

Consider the way you’ll use the footage from your event, and make certain to take the photos you’ll require the most.

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