Sensory Modulation Disorder

Sensory Modulation Disorder

Many of us still think in simplistic terms about the environment. This explanation is less accurate the more we learn about our senses. Our senses are more than just helping us perceive. In fact, our nervous system and sensory system could be the core of who we really are.

Sensory modulation disorder (SMD), affects sensory processing across multiple sensory systems. Clinically, the subtype of SMD called sensory over-responsivity is a condition where non-painful stimuli can be perceived as abnormally irritating, unpleasant or painful Reisman McIntosh, Simon and Miller (2001) discuss sensory modulation. “…the ability to modulate and adjust the intensity, nature and extent of sensory input in a gradual and adaptive manner, enabling individuals to achieve and maintain high levels of performance and to adapt to changing circumstances. I can. Difference between sensory processing disorder and sensory modulation disorder

Many people don’t know the term sensory modulation disorder as well as the more common sensory processing disorder (SPD). Sensory modulation disorder (SMD), is actually a subtype SPD. This is a form of sensory processing impairment that causes an individual to have difficulty controlling his/her response to sensory input. The subtype of SMD can be further divided into three categories based on the individual’s response to stimuli.

1. Sensory over-responsiveness

This can be described as an extreme reaction or overreaction to stimuli that others might find tolerable or neutral. This can be seen in children on the spectrum’s reactions to labels on clothing or the texture of food.

2. Sensory under-responsiveness

Individuals may be slower to respond to stimuli than their peers, or they might under-react. Children with this condition, for example, may show a lack of response or behaviour and become lethargic and withdrawing.

3. You crave sensory input

The body seeks sensory input to improve its ability to respond to the environment. However, this condition can be distinguished by sensory under-responsiveness. This can be distinguished by looking at disorganization. The more sensory input a person needs and receives, the more disorganized they become. Compulsive spinning can be a result of this behaviour in children with autism spectrum.

Causes of Sensory Modulation Disorder (SMD)

Although the underlying mechanisms of sensory modulation disorder remain unclear, there are a few situations in which SMD could be problematic.

  • Autism and other developmental disorders
  • Premature birth
  • Learning disabilities
  • Brain injury
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

SMD symptoms

SMD symptoms can often be difficult to distinguish from other conditions or problems. Sensory modulation disorder can cause children to display a variety of behaviours, including:

  • Over-responsiveness to sensory information (e.g. crying at loud noises, vacuums, motors, etc.) and aggressiveness to tactile input
  • Insensitivity to sensory input (e.g., unresponsive to pain or overwhelming need for stimulation), Sensory modulation can affect children at both extremes.
  • Many of them have difficulties with emotional and behavioural control.
  • Children often forget to notice sights, smells, sounds, pain, or movement.

Treatment Option

A “sensory diet” may be used to help patients. This involves activities being introduced gently and fun in order for them to feel a variety of sensations. Patients who practice at home are most likely to benefit from this approach. Therapy may include:

  • Physical therapy with a sensory integration approach (PTSI)
  • Vision therapy is a treatment that improves eye-motor skills in people who have difficulty reading, merging into traffic, and writing.
  • Listening therapy (LT) is a method that allows people with hearing problems to listen to a range of sounds and patterns in order to stimulate their brains while performing other motor tasks such as walking on a balance beam or walking on a balance beam.
  • People who have suffered from a mood disorder or anxiety due to SPD can receive psychotherapy from best online counsellor.

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