What Is the Perfect Way to Share Your Salary History?

Salary History

When you’re searching for a new job, you can be asked to offer a salary history. Many employers ask for this data on the work application, whereas others ask about the salary during the recruitment process until making a formal job opportunity.

Irrespective of when an employer asks for your salary history, it is crucial that you are ready to answer the concept. 

This article will explain what your salary history is and how to share your salary history with future employers.

What Is Your Salary History?

A history of salary is a document, which shows the past earnings of the employee. Many employers ask job seekers to provide them a salary history list while applying for a job. Others can ask it as part of the application process once you’re surely in consideration for a job. Usually, a salary history contains the names of every organization, the job title, and the salary and benefits package the applicant has gained in the past.

A salary history varies from the salary requirement that a job seeker hopes to pay for a new job.

Is It Legal for Employers to Ask?

Many states and cities have implemented laws banning employers from asking candidates for salary history or setting conditions for such investigations. Lawmakers in these jurisdictions believe that putting past salary history in employers’ control helps perpetuate pay discrimination. Most women have traditionally been underpaid compared to men holding similar roles.

Why does Employer ask for a Salary History?

Whenever a boss asks you to share your salary in past jobs, they may ask for your salary prospects for the same causes. In particular, such causes include the following:

Determine your market value

Your salary history—particularly the salary that you earned in your most recent position—is one aspect that the boss can use to measure your experience level and worth as an employee.

Ensure your expectations

If your most recent salary is massively greater than the employer that you are willing to offer, it is a sign which you can be over-qualified for your position.

Ensure a fair amount for the role

For instance, if many job candidates offer recent salary histories, which exceed what they have budgeted for a position, they can have to boost their offering or change the job description to attract more junior practitioners.

Should I Always Share Past Salaries With Employers?

Not every employer will ask applicants to share their salary history, and, based on job rules in your state, you can’t experience the question at all. If the employer does not ask for this information, there is no need to add it in the application or at any other step of the recruitment process. If the employer doesn’t ask for your salary history, they can ask for your chosen salary range instead of this.

If you don’t feel confident discussing your salary history or salary requirements with the employer because you don’t feel you understand enough about the position yet or will try to discuss it in private, you can choose to politely refuse or deviate from the query. In this situation, you will want to provide a history to your logic.

Some Ways to Share Your Salary History

Here are several ways to share your salary history, which we include:

Use general terms

Rather than adding a precise amount, you can give a general amount. E.g., “My current salary is in the mid-sixties.”

Use a range

If your salary has risen in your current position, you may choose to provide a range or starting salary and recent salary. Besides satisfying the boss’s request, it also demonstrates that you have given sufficient worth to gain an increase. Example: “I started my job at $55,000, and my current salary is $72,000.”

Give an exact amount

You can opt to give your exact salary or round it up to the nearest entire amount. For example, if you make $84,650, you can want to round up to $85,000. Example: “My current salary is $85,000.”

Some Key Takeaways

Providing your current salary to the next prospective employer doesn’t mean that it will be your salary at your next position, nor does it eliminate the opportunity to negotiate for a greater amount. Employers learn that most job candidates hope to boost their salary while changing to a new position, particularly if the new position comes with extra challenges or more duties than the one you currently have.

If your current company’s job is not oriented to your long-term goals, consider taking immediate measures. Give yourself time and think about where you’d like to be in the next few years. Feel free to contact Jobs in Singapore  to decide your professional path efficiently.

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