Change Your Car Engine Oil Expertly Yourself

Car Engine Oil

You absolutely want your car to keep working in the best condition possible. In order to achieve that you must make sure that the engine of your car is in top-notch condition. The first thing to achieve that is keeping the engine oil in check. When you change the engine oil the instructions on the oil container will tell you how long the oil will last as in how many kilometers your can run with this oil. Once the limit is reached you must change it. That is of crucial importance.

So, this brings us to how we can change the engine oil expertly. You see changing the oil isn’t that hard of a task. Of course, things will get greasy and dirty but, if you have the right tools and some know-how, you can do that all by yourself.

In order to change the oil of your car, you are required to first have everything by your side. That includes, the new oil, air filter, oil filter and the tools to carry out the task. With that you need to remove the old air filter, if needed, then take out the oil filter and drain the oil. Once that is done you add the new oil filter and then pour in the new oil.

That said, you can always take the help of a professional car services provider to get your car engine oil change in ravenhall if you are not sure about doing it yourself.

Well that is just the summary of how you need to do it. We’ll explain it in detail in step by step guide.

Step By Step Guide To Change Engine Oil

1.First Drain The oil

You can drain the oil of your car by unplugging the plug under the oil tank to drain the old and used oil. Or in many cars the oil can be drained by removing the oil filter that is also placed underneath the oil tank. So, first you have to drain the oil to begin the process.

2.Put a container below the tank when you drain

In order to maintain cleanliness and not to let things get greasier you should put a container below the tank to collect the used oil. Also, that old oil can be used for other things. So it will be handy for further use.

3.Remove the oil filter.

First you need to find the oil filter before you can remove it. Once you have located it, usually the oil filter is found beneath the oil tank, unscrew it with a wrench and remove it.

4.Unseal the new oil bottle and pour some on the oil filter.

Pour some oil on the gasket of the oil filter to moisten it.

5.Fit in the new oil filter in the vacant place.

Now that you have placed some oil on the oil filter, you are required to place the oil filter in its place, the new one of course, and slowly screw it in. Once you have reached the limit by hand use the wrench to tightly screw in the oil filter.

6.Replace the Oil drain plug

Also, place the drain plug inside properly to ensure that your oil filter is completely closed from the beneath.

7.Fill in the new oil

Now, you should open the cover of the oil tank from above, place in the funnel and start pouring in the oil. Depending on your car engine and its power, you would either need to fill up to 4 litres or 3 litres. That is normally the case with all the cars.

8.Check everything

Make sure you have checked everything and closed every nut and cover properly before turning on the engine. Check if the oil is leaking from anywhere or not. Once you are sure, start your engine and rev your engine a bit.

9.Check the oil levels.

As you have revved your engine, the oil would have reached everywhere. So now, turn off the engine and check the oil levels in the car engine.  

10.Fill the oil until it is full

If some oil remains to be added, you can check it by using the dipstick, add more oil to your car.

11.Test your car drive.

Run your car to test the drive after you have successfully changed the engine oil.

With this your car is good to go and you have successfully changed the oil. Again, If you are still in doubt about changing the engine oil yourself, you can always take the help of automotive service provider to provide you basic car services such as oil change.

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