How EECP Treatment Helps Cardiac Patients?


Are you a cardiac patient?  Then you should know EECP treatment and how EECP treatment helps cardiac patients for a fast recovery by increasing the amount of blood returning to the heart. Read this article to know more about it and have a healthy life moving forward.

Have you ever heard about EECP treatment? EECP refers to Enhanced External Counterpulsation which is a non-invasive outpatient treatment provided for heart patients. EECP has now ensued as an ideal remedy for cardiac diseases. 


You might have heard about CAD. Coronary Artery Disease (CAD),  is a condition where the arteries which supply blood to the heart muscle get deposition of calcium and cholesterol, leading to plaque and atheroma formation. 

Over the period, an immense change in the lifestyles of people occurred and hence there has been a surge in diseases as well. Cardiac diseases fall into that list. In such a context, Enhanced External Counterpulsation treatment has become the new lifesaver. 

As per certain health reports, Coronary Artery Disease is an epidemic in India. The reports state a visible increase in the number of deaths due to Coronary Artery Disease from 17% in 2000-2003 to 23% in 2010-2013.

The symptoms of Coronary Artery Disease can vary according to the intensity and severity of the condition. In mild cases, CAD can be treated with angioplasty treatment or alternative treatment for angioplasty can also be considered. However, there are limitations to providing such treatment to patients falling into certain categories. For them, EECP is a blessing. 

EECP treatment is done by wrapping the legs with blood pressure cuffs. These cuffs are squeezed and released with the sync of the heartbeat. The blood flow will be increased as a result of this activity throughout the body. EECP provides a new pathway over the blocked arteries by expanding networks of tiny blood vessels EECP provides a new pathway over the blocked arteries. This then helped in the normalization of blood flow to the muscles of the heart.

How does an EECP function?

EECP mechanically increases venous return to the heart and decreases cardiac afterload. The venous return to the heart is increased by creating a retrograde pulse wave. Thereby increasing coronary artery perfusion pressure.  

Initially, the studies related to EECP avoided patients with heart failure. Researches also came to the conclusion that patients treated with EECP have less angina and nitrate use, Their quality of life is also improved.

How would Enhanced External Counterpulsation provide long-term benefits? 

There are quite a number of things to support the fact. Along with the improved coronary perfusion and left ventricular systolic unloading that occurs during a treatment session, EECP is associated with favourable biochemical effects. 

Studies have already shown that EECP is emerging as a reliable lifesaver for patients suffering from cardiac-related diseases. 

US$5000–$7000 is the estimated treatment cost for Enhanced. External Counterpulsation in a 35-treatment session. However, if completely proved to be effective and safe, EECP could result in enormous cost savings as it will help patients in reducing the amount of medication required and hence decreasing the occurrence of adverse events secondary to medication interactions that often result in hospital admissions.

Hope this article helped you in clearing your doubts regarding EECP treatment and its treatment method for cardiac patients. Do share your thoughts in the comments and share this article with your friends & family.

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