7 Houseplants That Are Good For Your Health

Houseplants That Are Good

According to the NASA Clean Air Study, an average houseplants has some proportion of dangerous toxins such as ammonia, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, and trichloroethylene. These pollutants can affect your health in several different ways. 

If you have kids or elders living in your house, the risks of them getting ill are pretty high when the air is left untreated. Although there are several synthetic products and equipment available for purifying air, the best approach is to utilize indoor houseplants for this purpose. They can be a lot more than green decorations. For those who love taking care of plants, this can be a fun activity as well as an investment in your health for years to come.

Highfive List compiled the list of 7 houseplants that are good for your health. You might want to purchase all of them right away!

Aloe Vera

You must have heard or used any of the commercially available products that boast of the medicinal benefits of aloe vera. Several ointments and creams are used for healing different skin conditions. 

Although there is a lack of significant evidence of its healing properties this plant has been used for its benefits for ages. This plant does not affect the purity of air around it but can be used in various other ways for its health benefits. 

The inner part of the leaf is a gel-like gooey substance that can be directly applied to the skin and is effective against conditions such as burns, sunburn, frostbite, and psoriasis.

Spider Ivy

Spider plant or spider ivy is one of the best plants to keep the indoor air pure. That’s because it can remove formaldehyde from indoor air. This toxic gas enters the air in several ways. You may be surprised to know that it comes from all sorts of things you bring to your home. Things such as napkins, particle boards, paper bags, facial tissues, waxed papers, paper towels, plywood paneling, and some fabrics!

Spider ivies are easy to care for and also absorb other toxic gases from indoor air. You can even place it in your bedroom without much sunlight. All it needs is good quality soil and enough water to grow and thrive.

Lavender Plant

Lavender is best known for its beautiful soothing aroma. It has been used to make essential oils for centuries. You can benefit from this houseplant because of its stress-relieving properties. The gentle and pleasant aroma is most effective in your bedroom as it helps you to sleep. 

Whiff of the lavender flowers can relieve symptoms of nervousness, anxiety, depression, and insomnia. It is not the cure for these conditions by any means but is super helpful in minimizing the symptoms. 

Let’s not forget the soothing colors of the flowers, you will instantly feel relaxed and joyful as you set eyes on them. Keep in mind that mental health is equally important!

Snake Plant/Viper’s Bowstring Hemp

More commonly known as snake plant, this is one of the most popular choices for improving air quality. It uses carbon dioxide during the night and adds oxygen to the air. While you sleep, it absorbs different sorts of toxins from the air including formaldehyde, toluene, benzene, xylene, and trichloroethylene. 

You should place pots of snake plants in different parts of your home to get optimally purified air. About 6-8n plants are enough for an average home.

Snake plants are considered to be easiest to care for and work best when placed under indirect sunlight.

English Ivy

You may be surprised to know this but English can purify up to 90% of air-borne mold. For most homeowners, mold is a serious threat as it can affect the health of residents. The spores can cause allergies and worsen the symptoms of respiratory tract disorders. If you need your indoor air free of mold spores, English Ivy is the best option for you. 

Owing to this property, it helps people with asthma and allergies to sleep better. Beware that English Ivy is poisonous and should not be ingested. Make sure your kids and pets do not have access to the plant pot.

White Sails/Peace Lily

Aptly named, peace lily looks ethereal with its pure white flowers. The plant is in full bloom during summers. But that’s not all about it. White sails or peace lilies are masters of air pollutant removal. They work hard to absorb benzene, xylene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and ammonia. If any of the houseplants residents have pollen allergies, this plant may not be very suitable. That’s because it is a flowering plant and produces pollen.

This plant grows best in shaded areas but can thrive in low and bright light. It is planted in a pot with all-purpose soil which should be moist all over the year. Do not overwater peace lily or it may succumb to fungus.


The scent of rosemary in your houseplants can directly impact your memory. Isn’t that awesome? The plant produces a compound called 1,8-cineole that is known to improve the memory of humans. Rosemary plants not only look beautiful but you get this incredible health benefit. You will perform better at all of your daily tasks.

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