10 Game Design Tips For New Developers

game design

Getting started in game design development can be an exciting yet daunting task. With the right guidance and perseverance, anyone can start creating their games. Here are 10 tips to help new developers design better games:

Start Small

When just beginning, start with simple game ideas that can be completed in a reasonable timeframe. Making Pong or a text-based adventure game will teach the basics without becoming overwhelmed. Don’t attempt an MMORPG as your first project.

Focus on Gameplay First

The most important part of a game is the gameplay. Make sure the core mechanics are fun and engaging before working on the story, graphics, etc. Fancy visuals can’t make up for weak gameplay. Keep polishing the mechanics until the game is enjoyable.

Limit Scope

It’s easy to get carried away adding features upon features. Try to narrowly focus the game’s scope to keep development manageable. If the scope is too large, cut secondary features and prioritize the main experience. Save extra ideas for future projects.

Rapid Prototyping

Don’t get too attached to any one idea. Prototype game concepts quickly to test what works and what doesn’t. Be willing to discard or change elements that aren’t working. Prototyping saves time compared to perfecting one idea that may not pan out.

Playtest Extensively

Get feedback from others frequently during development. Playtesting reveals issues and improvement areas that the developer may have overlooked. Listen to testers and observe how they play. Make tweaks based on playtesting results.

Polish, Polish, Polish

Take the time to refine gameplay, graphics, audio, UI, etc. Many great games fail due to a lack of polish. Don’t rush into launch until everything feels cohesive and ready. Smoothing rough edges makes the difference between a good and great game.

Study Other Games

Deconstruct games in the same genre to learn what makes them successful. Understand popular mechanics, progression systems, narrative techniques, etc. but also identify possible innovations. Borrow and build upon proven concepts.

Passion Counts

Making games requires persistence through challenges and setbacks. Stay motivated by choosing a subject matter you feel truly passionate about. If bored or disengaged with the theme, the project may fizzle out before completion.

Accept Imperfections

Let go of making everything perfect, especially when starting out. Shipping a finished game with some flaws is better than never releasing it because it doesn’t meet unrealistic expectations. You will always see room for improvement in retrospect.

Keep Learning and Trying

Game development is a lifelong learning process. Nobody designs amazing games immediately. Stay humble, keep shipping games, and learn from successes and failures. Pay attention to player feedback. With practice, skills will improve over time.

How To Design A Game For Beginners?

Game design is a challenging yet incredibly rewarding endeavor that offers a platform for creative expression, skill acquisition, and enjoyment.

If you’re new to game design, there are several steps you can take to simplify the process and make it more enjoyable:

  • Conceptualize Your Game: Begin by crafting the initial idea for your game. What genre of game are you interested in creating? What’s the central theme or storyline, and what gameplay mechanics will be involved? This concept provides a foundation for more detailed development.
  • Identify Your Audience: Determine the target audience for your game. Is it designed for children, adults, or a broader demographic? Understanding your audience helps shape your game design. For instance, games aimed at kids should feature simple and easy-to-grasp gameplay.
  • Define the Core Game Mechanic: Every game has a central mechanic that players engage with consistently throughout the gameplay. For example, jumping is the core mechanic in Mario, while eating dots is the core mechanic in Pac-Man. Concentrate on refining one engaging core mechanic.
  • Build a Game Prototype: After establishing the basic game design, it’s time to create a prototype. This functional model of your game lets you experiment and refine your ideas. You can use tools like Unity, Unreal Engine, or even traditional methods like pen and paper to craft your prototype.
  • Testing Phase: Testing your game with others is crucial. Gather feedback from friends, family, and fellow gamers. This input helps pinpoint any issues in your game and facilitates improvements.

Gathering feedback, whether for your game or while playing games like ‘Monster Legends,’ is a vital part of game development. Player feedback and the use of Monster Legends Codes can significantly improve your gaming experience.

  • Polish Your Game: Once satisfied with your gameplay, focus on enhancing its presentation. This entails adding sound effects, music, graphics, and other finishing touches to give your game a polished feel.
  • Release Your Game: When your game is ready for the world, it’s time to release it on various platforms, such as PC, mobile, or consoles.

Here are some additional tips for beginner game designers:

  • Start small: Begin with a simple game concept rather than attempting to create an ambitious project from the start.

For instance, you might consider developing a game like Code Farm Factory Tycoon, a fun and educational simulation game where players manage a virtual software development farm.

  • Prioritize fun: The primary goal is to make a game that is enjoyable to play. Don’t get overly concerned with stunning visuals or complex mechanics.
  • Iteration is key: Don’t hesitate to experiment and make adjustments to your game design. The best games evolve and improve over time through iteration.
  • Seek feedback: Testing your game with others and obtaining feedback on their likes and dislikes is the most effective way to enhance your game.

Game design may involve hard work, but it’s a gratifying experience. By adhering to the above tips, you can craft a game you’ll be proud of and that will bring enjoyment to players.

What Programming Language Is Best For Beginners?

For beginners, Unity or Unreal Engine are good options as they use C# and C++ respectively. Their visual editors allow game creation without heavy coding. Python and JavaScript are beginner-friendly coding languages to learn.

Should I Make Art Assets Myself Or Use Pre-Made Assets?

When starting out, use free or paid asset packs to save time. As skills improve, try creating some custom art and animations. Quality original assets help a game stand out.

How Long Does It Take To Make A Game As A Solo Developer?

For simple mobile games, development can take 3-6 months with dedication. More complex games may take over a year for one person. Set realistic milestones and break projects into manageable pieces.


In conclusion, these ten game design tips for new developers serve as valuable guiding principles for anyone venturing into the exciting world of game development.

To create engaging and enjoyable games, aspiring designers should focus on user experience, storytelling, playtesting, and collaboration.

Game design is an art that thrives on creativity and innovation, so don’t be afraid to experiment, learn from mistakes, and have fun.