BED-NEFITS BELOW: 6 Big Benefits Of Under-Bed Storage


Numerous home designs and installations in this contemporary period are so impressive! They are fantastic and wowing like you’ve never seen and owned them before. One of them is the under-bed storage. 

As its name implies, under-bed storage is storage installed under the bed. Yes, exactly below that furniture you sleep on. It’s still a bed; the only difference is that it has drawers, shelves and/or mini cabinets affixed at its foot. 

They are truly amazing for the advantageous that homeowners get by having these home additions. If you want to know more about them, and if you want to know why you should have yours too, check out these 6 big benefits of under-bed storage! 

1 – You can save a lot of space.

Instead of buying a standalone shelf or cabinet, you can buy a bed with storage attached below it. Because this furniture is multipurpose, it occupies a single space, but originally, if you dissect the bed’s functions, separate lockers and bins will take up a lot of large floor areas. Truly, under-bed storage lets you save so much space, meaning you can have a wider bedroom where you can easily move and add other things you need.  

2 – You can use a typically neglected space.

The stretch under a standard bed is usually a neglected space. It’s often left unused and dusty. Slippers are the only items usually placed there. Thanks to under-bed storage though, you can maximize the service of this seemingly dull space! Rather than being just an empty extent that nobody sees or looks at, the region underneath your bed will be one of the most serviceable bedroom sites ever! 

3 – It’s convenient for nighttime or early morning tasks.

At nighttime or midnight, when you want to get an extra blanket, it’s hard to do so when the cabinet that keeps your sheets is far from the bed, and you’re feeling lazy or heavy-eyed already. In the morning, when it’s still too early, you’re still so sleepy and weak to get up to give your sibling your extra black socks, you feel annoyed. 

When these situations occur, you wish you can just teleport to your closets to get those items. However, when you have an under-bed storage, say goodbye to those impossible-to-happen hopes! You can acquire what you need even without getting up from your bed, as long as you can reach and open your under-bed drawers and your eyes too.   

4 – Under-bed storage adds style to plain bedrooms.

Not only is under-bed storage super practical and handy but it also is visually appealing! It adds style to plain and simple bedrooms. Besides boosting the look of your bed, it can also be customized as you please to enhance the furbishing of your whole sleeping area. If your bedroom has a specific theme, then you can match your under-bed storage’s design to it as well. 

5 – It is accessible for elderly people and handicapped persons.

Under-bed storage is very helpful and accessible for people who have mobility issues, such as elderly people and handicapped persons. 

If you are among these people, know that this furniture will provide you outstanding convenience and safety. On the other hand, if you have family members who belong to these people, do not hesitate to buy them a bed with under-bed storage or to have one personalized for them. 

No need to move around so much because the storage spaces you or they need are within reach. Under-bed storage ensures safety and comfort of its users, and that is just really heartwarming. 

You may choose to let your custom home builders fasten the bed on the bedroom floor for heightened safety for your loved ones with special health needs. This prevents sudden pushing or slipping of the bed in unexpected circumstances. 

6 –  Under-bed storage adds value to your bed.

In case you plan to sell your bed with under-bed storage in the future, maybe because of moving out or upgrading to a new bed, you can sell it for a price really favorable for you. Of course, the storage zone below adds value to the bed, especially if it is tailor-made and exclusive for your home. 


Oh, yes! Everyone’s loving these bed-nefits! Under-bed storage is very functional, economical and providential. It can serve a number of awesome duties. It saves you space, time, money and effort. Additionally, it offers more room to be maximized. Definitely, there’s no bad turn when it comes to under-bed storage and the boons it gives its delighted owners! 


Nicole Ann Pore is a writer, an events host and a voice over artist. Quality and well-researched writing is her worthwhile avenue to enlighten and delight others about things that matter. She is a daytime writer for Worthington Homes, a trust-worthy Sydney builder specializing in residential construction. Nicole graduated Cum Laude from De La Salle University Manila, Philippines with a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Arts.

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