Why is Professional Year in Accounting Important for Graduates?

Why is Professional Year in Accounting Important for Graduates

The Professional Year Program for Accounting is a DHA (Department of Home Affairs) approved program specifically curated for international students with a graduation degree in accounting from a reputed university in Australia. The degree must be of a minimum of 2 years.

The program allows students to attain a worthy and professional experience in an office while doing various accounting activities in Australia. In simple words, it makes the work life of students better. The student develops the practicality of being professional in the workspace and thoroughly learns about Australia’s working culture, ethics, working expectations, etc.

Therefore, it would be a great deal for you if you graduated in Accountancy from Australia. You can opt for the professional year program in Accountancy and open the new gates of opportunity for yourself. You can quickly adapt to the work environment in Australia.

What is the Scope of a Professional Year in Accounting?

As mentioned above, a professional year in accounting in Sydney is particularly for accountancy graduates who lack the confidence and skills to overcome the hurdles at the beginning of their careers. You can take guidance from the experts providing educational consultancy to gain more knowledge on this and set your path right from your study life to your work life.

Who can apply for the Professional Year in Accounting in Australia?

The following is the eligibility list for the application of the Professional Year program in Accountancy:

  • The applicant applying for the program must attain a graduation (or post-graduation degree) in accounting from an educational institution or university in Australia. The degree must hold 2-year credit points.
  • The applicant must attain a decent score of 50 on the PTE exam or a 6 in IELTS to prove his English proficiency and ability to communicate overseas. 
  • The applicant applying must have a migration skill assessment letter provided by an authorized accounting professional body. 
  • The applicant must hold a valid passport, including a temporary graduate visa, or at least should have applied. The validity of the visa must be at least 12 months.

What is the Importance of Choosing the Professional Year in Accounting?

The following are a few points showing the importance of the professional year program in accounting and why students should consider taking it. 

It Offers Various Opportunities

Finding a decent job in our home country, which we have known for years, takes much time and effort. Now imagine doing the same in a new country. Many graduates in Australia find it difficult to have an excellent job in the accounting sector. However, with the professional year program in accounting, it becomes easier to sort things out and get rewarding careers. You can also work internships first and later continue working full time. This will further help you to gain a better understanding of Australia’s working life. 

It helps in Uplifting your Professional and Social Life.

In Australia, it is essential to have some good personal and professional friends. The professional year program helps in doing the needful. You get to be in touch with so many people that you can have a better professional and social life in Australia without even knowing. Make new friends and meet new people with similar interests and goals as you. 

It helps in gaining a Better understanding of Australian Work Life. 

Different countries and companies have different codes of conduct and working standards. Even companies within a country are different in these aspects. However, with the professional year program in accounting, you need not worry as it helps you better understand working people in Australia, its culture, and the overall environment. It enables you to fill the gap between your work and personal life. 

It helps you Earn an extra 5 points for PR Application 

If you succeed in completing your professional year program in accounting, you can expect an additional 5 points for your PR application. This means you can be eligible to apply for permanent residency in Australia. Therefore, the professional year program in accounting is an excellent opportunity for you if you have plans to settle in Australia.


The professional year in accounting, IT, engineering, etc., benefit students graduating from Australian universities. You get an opportunity to grow professionally as well as personally. 

Most importantly, this program allows you to apply for permanent residency in Australia. The PY in accounting program cost in Sydney is also affordable so you do not have to worry about finance.

Have you made up your mind? Contact us today to learn more about the program from Asia Pacific Group’s experienced consultants.