5 Tools that Help Investors Manage Their Finances

investors manage

Finance management can seem like a daunting task, especially when you’re just getting started. Facing the challenges of financial independence can feel overwhelming and intimidating at first, but that doesn’t have to be the case. If you are starting or have been an investors manage for years, plenty of helpful tools are available to make life easier. Here are five of the best tools to help you investors manage your finances.

1. Mint.com

This free web-based service helps you keep track of all your finances in one place, including transactions, budgeting, and net worth updates. The beauty of this tool is that it can be used by individuals, families, and small businesses with multiple accounts. It is also very easy to use. 

You create an account, input information about your accounts and transactions, and set budgets for various areas of your life. The website then calculates net worth, tracks transactions, and keeps a running total of where you stand on meeting your goals. It also connects with many financial institutions to import transaction data directly into your budget.

2. Personal Capital

If your bank or credit union does not offer mobile banking services for your accounts, personal capital is a great alternative to help you stay on top of your finances. Once you link up all your accounts, which can take a while depending on how many accounts you have to input, this tool becomes an easy way to see how all the pieces of your financial puzzle fit together. 

It’s a safe and secure site that keeps all your personal information in one place. You can track expenses, deposits, income, holdings, and net worth in real-time. It’s a great tool for investors that like to keep up with their portfolio and make adjustments as needed.

3. Morningstar Advisor Workstation

Morningstar is great if you are just starting to invest and want to learn more about different investment strategies. Once you figure out the type of investor you are and the best strategies for your risk tolerance, Morningstar Advisor Workstation is a great tool to help you manage your investments. 

It is an easy-to-use tool that keeps track of every investment in your portfolio and has built-in tax-planning tools to help you figure out how much tax you owe on your holdings. It can also be used to create alerts when it’s time for rebalancing.

4. Goodbudget

Do you struggle with getting your budget organized and sticking to it? Goodbudget is an online tool that creates a budget for you and then tracks your spending to see exactly where you are spending money. It also shows how much money you need to save each month to meet your goals. It’s a great way to ensure you stay on track with your long-term plan for financial independence.

One of the biggest challenges for investors is ensuring all their investments are moving in the same direction. If you have a lot of positions in your portfolio and want to keep track of what’s happening in the market, it can be difficult to stay on top of things. 

Additionally, Syndicators from Assure are extremely helpful for ensuring you receive professional advice about what’s going on in the market and helping you decide which investments to make when there are opportunities for extra gains.

5. Google Sheets

If you are trying to keep track of all your market positions, cash flow, and expenses, keeping all that on paper is a recipe for disaster. Keeping it all in one place online makes it easy to see every aspect of your finances in one place. You can also go months without logging into your accounts by simply checking online to see how things are going with different investments.

There are many tools available for investors, but these are some of the best for managing finances and keeping track of what’s happening with your portfolio. There’s no reason you can’t remain on top of things and stay on track with your financial goals.


Investors that are trying to track their finances and remain on top of their investing goals will benefit from using these tools. Knowing what is available and how to use it to manage your finances and investments is good. If you are just starting out as an investors manage, use these tools as needed and just see how they work for your situation. There’s no reason to spend money on programs if these free resources are sufficient for the job.