Here are the most popular internships for B school alumnis

internships for B school alumnis

Internships are not only for earning some extra pocket money, however, it also helps you to learn, and explore various new things as well as make your resume more interesting. It is not only for you to work in famous companies but to gain exposure and understand the inner and outer work that you wanted to pursue. Finding an MBA internship is also a useful lesson. Students can clarify their aims and career goals and form lasting contacts with specialists in their industry by taking charge of their quest.

When looking for an MBA internship, it’s usual to run into two schools of thought. Some urge students to accept the best internship that is available to them, regardless of whether or not it meets their needs. It’s logic based on the prestige of top-tier companies, as well as any new relationships, mentors, and references that may come with them.

Most popular Internships for B school alumnis


Internship in Google, one of the reputed and famous firms lasts from 11 to 12 weeks. It requires experience as the summer MBA internship provides MBA students with the opportunity to acquire vital lessons and obtain professional experience, regardless of the career role they expect to land after graduation.

Internships with Google will allow you to learn more about business professions in the technology industry while also developing your skill sets. Interns participate in a program that exposes them to the numerous parts of Google’s company in addition to their day-to-day responsibilities. Furthermore, MBA interns are assigned to teams within the company based on their backgrounds and interests. Strategy & Operations, Finance, Google Cloud, and The Online Partnerships Group are among the functional areas that interns have joined.

Interns at Google are given a lot of responsibility and the chance to make a difference in their teams. At the outset of the program, interns are given certain responsibilities. Interns will be considered for full-time positions in their host organizations depending on their performance during their internship.

Google is looking for MBAs with the ability to work in the nation of the internship as their locations are Michigan; Chicago; San Francisco; New York; Sunnyvale, California; Venice, California; London; Hong Kong, etc. (for instance, a working visa for the United States and Canada) as well as a strong interest in the internet and Google’s technology and business.


MBA students can obtain insight into the world of consulting by interning with KPMG’s Advisory Practice. MBA interns have the chance to work with national and international organizations throughout the internship, creating value and obtaining valuable on-the-job experience in many service areas ranging from Strategy and Operations to IT Advisory, Global Infrastructure Advisory, and more.

MBA students who impress during their summer internship may be offered a full-time position. The duration of the internship lasts for 3 months and its locations are Uk, Canada, USA. So, if you are interested, don’t forget to apply for it.

JPMorgan Chase

MBA interns can choose from a variety of MBA internship programs at JPMorgan Chase, depending on their area of interest. These programs, which are listed below, each have their location, duration, and experiences: Research Associate Program (Hong Kong, US), Legal Associate Program (US), Quantitative Research Associate Program (China, Hong Kong, Singapore, US, UK), Chase Leaders Internship (US), Corporate Banking Associate Program (Hong Kong, Singapore) and many more. The duration of internships perhaps varies from 6-12 weeks.


While serving as a leadership pipeline for the corporation, Amazon’s MBA program allows students to work on function-specific projects. Interns are given duties that allow them to make strategic decisions that could have a big influence on Amazon consumers and the company. At the end of the internship, MBA interns may be given a full-time position. As the internship duration lasts for 12-16 weeks, you (MBA interns) could get a taste of retail, finance, product management, and operations management, among other functional areas.


In the end, the best option for you will be determined by your circumstances and long-term objectives. So, after you’ve got things nailed down, where should you start from? To begin, you have to search for internships that will allow you to conduct interesting work alongside accomplished people rather than, for instance, delivering coffee orders or handling tiresome jobs that are way below your skillset.

Author Bio: Abhyank Srinet is a passionate digital entrepreneur who holds a Masters in Management degree from ESCP Europe. He started his first company while he was still studying at ESCP, and managed to scale it up by 400% in just 2 years. 

Being a B-School Alumni, he recognized the need for a one-stop solution for B-School to get in touch with schools and get their application queries resolved. This prompted him to create MiM-Essay, a one-of-a-kind portal with cutting-edge profile evaluation and school selection algorithms, along with several avenues to stay informed about the latest B-School Updates.

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