7 Great Washer Machines for a Residential Property


When you own residential property, you may want to get washing machines for your residents to use. If you don’t know which ones to go with, you can look into these seven options and pick the ones you prefer.

Card Readers

Some apartments will get washing machines with card readers built into them. These machines require the users to scan a card before they use the machine, so non-residents can’t come onto the property and use them. These cards can have money already on them, or you can set them up to add money when residents add to them.

Card readers are a solid option since they can limit who uses the machines. However, you may need to replace broken card readers or lost ones at times.

Coin Machines

You can also go with coin machines if you want people to pay for the laundry. If you put coin machines into the laundry room, you should also include a coin dispenser for people to exchange cash for coins. As they do this, they can easily use the machines while ensuring you get some money when people use the laundry.

If you decide to go with coin operated laundry machines, you can get money from people who don’t live at the complex, so you should consider this.

Free Machines

If you plan to simplify washing for the residents, you could offer free laundry machine on your residential property. These machine will keep things simple: the users just need to choose the settings, so they can wash their clothes. Since it’s an amenity, you can raise the rent a bit to help cover the costs for the machine.

However, you should recognize non-residence may try to use the machines. Make sure you consider this if you go with free machines, so you can avoid problems.

Stacked Machines

If you don’t have too much space in your laundry room, you can purchase stacked machines. Stacked machine have flat tops while using the front side of the machine for washing and drying. That way, you can put the machine on each other to save some floor space in your laundry room while storing more machine in it.

If you decide to buy stacked machines, you must stack them up correctly to avoid injuries, machine falling down, or other issues once you install them in your complex.

Standing Machines

On the other hand, you can go with individual standing machine in the washing room. These machine will separate the washers and dryers from each other while having them stand on their own. Due to this approach, some of the washers may have the entry on top, so you don’t put your clothes into it from the front of the machine.

These machine take up more space, but people won’t get in the way of each other like they would if they dealt with stacked machine.

Combination Machines

If you like the idea of stacked machine but don’t want to deal with some of their inconveniences, you can go with combination machines instead. Combination machine have the washer on the bottom and the dryer on the top half. This means once the person finishes washing their clothes, they can move them up to the drying half.

This makes it easy for users, but keep in mind these machine may cost more money compared to separate machine for your washers and dryers.

Apartment Machines

Depending on what you can afford and offer, you could install laundry machine in each apartment. If you decide to do this, you can easily increase some of the rent to compensate for the built-in machine as amenities. That way, your residents don’t need to walk somewhere to do their laundry, so they may appreciate the machine.

This one is a solid option if your apartment complex can afford them. That way, you can make things easier for your residents when they do their laundry.


People need a way to wash their clothes, so make sure you put washing machines on your residential property. Doing so will help you draw in more residents, so you can make some money while also giving residents a key amenity.

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