Remote Desktop Services (RDS) vs. Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS)

rds vs daas

Businesses, large and small, are turning to the cloud for their computing needs. This deployment typically takes the form of a virtual desktop infrastructure hosted in the public cloud. Many organizations are choosing a private cloud or a hybrid approach that combines the cost efficiency of public clouds with the security of private clouds. However, there is a problem that many companies have. It has to do with the difference between Desktop as a Service (DaaS) and Remote Desktop Services (RDS).

Companies looking to start using cloud computing services are often confused about one thing. Which would you choose, Desktop as a Service or Remote Desktop Services? These are similar services that use comparable technology to meet your data hosting needs. But what’s the difference? To understand these details, this article aims to clarify the capabilities of Desktop as a Service (DaaS) and Remote Desktop Services (RDS). By providing an insider’s perspective on what’s best suited for their large-scale business needs, we hope to help companies decide which to choose.

Desktop as a Service (DaaS) 

Desktop as a Service (DaaS), as the name suggests, is a cloud hosting service offered by Microsoft. Desktop as a Service has been used in the industry for years and is a reliable service that provides remote access to corporate data and applications hosted on local servers. Desktop as a Service (DaaS) was introduced in 2018. It was a late release, but a relief for users who were hitherto tied to his Windows applications on physical computers. Affordable desktop-as-a-service has enabled businesses to deploy virtual Windows desktops and applications to handle any workload. 

Desktop as a Service is packed with features designed to create a flexible work environment. In fact, many of the features we typically associate with virtual desktops were first developed in the form of Desktop as a Service. The biggest benefit of Desktop as a Service (DaaS) is reduced IT costs. Small and medium businesses have greatly benefited from reduced IT costs. The DaaS provider has also helped companies gradually move from a CapEx (capital expenditure) model to an OpEx (operational expenditure) model. This has helped many businesses cut unnecessary costs and survive the pandemic.

DaaS is fairly cheap. Additionally, Desktop as a Service has made his BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) a success in particular. This policy has led organizations to reduce hardware-related costs, save physical space, move to a purely digital presence, and eliminate large on-premises IT teams. The only area where desktop-as-a-service has forced reinvention is hybrid work. Desktop as a Service has proven limited when it comes to meeting the needs of a hybrid workforce.

Features of Desktop as a Service (DaaS) 

  1. Industry-leading Security Features 
  2. Hyper-Compatibility 
  3. Zero Accessibility Issues 
  4. Fast access
  5. Competitive pricing

Remote Desktop Services (RDS) 

Remote Desktop Services (RDS) is specifically designed for accessing data and applications outside the enterprise. Therefore, Remote Desktop Services enables remote access to desktops in other locations. One of the benefits of remote access is that multiple desktops can control a single device. Remote Desktop Services was traditionally called Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) or simply Remote Desktop. They refer to applications for desktop access from a single network computer running on a remote server. Simply put, Remote Desktop Services (RDS) is a Microsoft service that allows users to remotely access computer systems. A key requirement for one computer to remotely access another computer is the RDP or Remote Desktop Protocol. In other words, your computer must support RDP in order to access other computers.

Remote Desktop Services (RDS): Deployment Dynamics 

There are several software products on the market today that provide remote desktop services. Commonly used tools include Teamviewer, RemotePC and ConnectWise Control . All of these help users remotely access and control their computers. In either case, client devices can access desktops and applications through Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). RDP is a feature specific to Remote Desktop Services. Remote desktop applications are versatile and work on multiple platforms such as Mac, Windows, Android, and Linux.

RDS vs. DaaS 

RDS and DaaS work similarly, but are often used to achieve different goals. However, small businesses often adopt a hybrid approach that combines RDS and DAAS. RDS and DaaS providers often work together to ensure seamless connectivity and coordination between internal and external employees.

DaaS and RDS integration can therefore help drive employee collaboration and team performance at scale. It’s especially suited to the needs of hybrid work strategies, allowing you to easily mix in-house resources with remote workers. Virtual Desktop Services is designed to meet the needs of remote workers, but the combination of Windows and Remote Desktop Services can meet the needs of both onsite and remote workers.

DaaS providers offer the ability to access data and applications stored on central servers. In contrast, Remote Desktop Services is a tool that helps users remotely access another computer in a network. Both simplify access to data and applications from remote locations, but often serve different purposes. Additionally, a DaaS provider can easily deploy a tailor-made DaaS solution. The flexibility of DaaS solutions implies that DaaS can be designed, deployed, and managed as per specific business requirements. It can be deployed within minutes on any device regardless of its native specification. This is of great benefit to businesses and can explain the rising adoption of DaaS. In contrast, RDS has issues such as native compatibility. One significant drawback is, RDS cannot work if the host computer does not support RDP.

As we learnt from above, Desktop as a service is more accessible and can be used from any device. When compared to RDS, the flexibility of DaaS comes into play for businesses looking to utilize cloud computing services. Understandably, flexibility of use makes Windows virtual devices the first choice for enterprises.

To conclude 

Companies today use both DaaS and RDS. This is because it has multiple benefits. DaaS and RDS enable employee collaboration, workplace flexibility, and 24/7 customer service. Combining the two helps secure operations and improve employee productivity with centralized management and regular updates. With RDS and DaaS, startups and small businesses have the opportunity to cut costs and work on lean budgets. Work can be done remotely without additional costs for maintenance and repairs. RDS also provides a great way to network where internet connectivity can be a problem.