Why Do Students Need a Smartphone to Help Them?

students need smartphone

If you have been following the popular news, you have probably heard a lot of bad things about smartphones. They supposedly make people lazy, turn them into socially isolated individuals, and ruin their attention spans. But as a student in college, isn’t it a bit weird to hear that smartphones are making students lazy? After all, smartphones can be used for so many amazing things — mostly for studying purposes. This article will show you how smartphones can help you become a more efficient student and improve your learning experience.

Here are some ways you can use your smartphone to help you become a more efficient student:

Making Notes:

The most common way to use a smartphone is by taking notes on it. You can easily take notes using your phone by simply typing them or using voice-to-text features. You can also take pictures of important information that you need to remember later on.

Access to Information:

With the internet at your fingertips, there is no reason not to be able to access information on demand. Smartphones allow students to quickly look up definitions or find research sources for projects without having to wait until they get home or go back to their dorm room where they have WiFi access. If you’re stuck on an assignment, simply use your phone’s search engine and find an article that gives you all of the answers. 

Maintain A Digital Portfolio:

The first benefit of having a smartphone is that it lets you create and maintain a digital portfolio. If you don’t know what this means, it is basically a collection of all your work, including essays, presentations, assignments, and other tasks. Having such an online portfolio is important because it lets employers see what kind of work you do as well as how well you complete tasks by giving them an idea of how efficient and productive you are.

Using The Smartphone As A Language Translator:

According to a survey conducted by The Academic Papers UK, 45% of Non-English students find it difficult to communicate with their peers. In such cases, students can use their phones as translators if they are studying a foreign language or if they need help understanding something in a foreign language. This is especially useful if you are in a country where English is not commonly spoken as it lets you communicate with people around you while also learning more about the local culture.  

Using The Smartphone As A Calculator: 

Students can use their phones as calculators if they need to do any mathematical calculations. This is especially useful for anyone who needs to do simple arithmetic such as when shopping or taking notes in class. 

Using The Smartphone As A Dictionary: 

Students can use their phones as dictionaries if they need to find out what a word means or how it is used in a sentence. This is especially useful for anyone who wants to learn more about another language but does not have access to traditional dictionaries.

Final Thoughts:

There are certainly benefits to owning a smartphone. However, it can be difficult to establish boundaries between digital and non-digital experiences – as well as balance them out. Many students don’t realize how much time they spend on their devices until they take an honest look at their habits and cut down on their smartphone use when it’s not needed. Use this article as inspiration for your own personal smartphone strategy and continue striving for academic success both in and away from the classroom.