What makes parents great driving instructors?

LTrent Driving School

For parents, teaching their children to drive can be a frightening experience. Learner drivers often choose to take driving lessons with their driving instructor to get some on-road experience. They might be just as nervous if they learn alongside a parent.

A survey of 800 drivers aged 16-19 found that one-third said their parents had taught bad driving habits to them. The instructor then had to correct the problem. Survey results also revealed that learner drivers were exposed to the bad habits of their parents with the worst being:


It’s not an indication

Mobile phone usage;

Road rage

61% said that their parents were unable to teach them the basics of driving, such as how they should parallel park, merge, and where to check blind spots. A majority of respondents also stated that their parents did not know enough about road rules to help them pass licensing exams.

Reasons Mom & Dad Don’t Need to Be Driving Instructors

It’s been a long tradition for parents to teach their children how they drive. Perhaps mom and Dad should not be the primary teachers. For your child’s safety, education, and education of others on the road, enrolling them with a professional driving instructor at a Driving School, such as LTrent Driving School for New Drivers is the best decision you can make.

Here are some reasons that mom and Dad should not be the driving instructors for their children.

You are not a professional.

You are skilled at many things. Although you may have a master’s in something no one understands and an excellent driving record to prove it, you are not qualified to teach driving. They are typically paid specialists with the expertise and demeanor to handle emotionally charged teens.

The right equipment is not available.

LTrent Driving School for New Drivers has a brake and accelerator on their right-hand side. This means that the car can handle minor or major issues during terrifying practice drives. You don’t need any explanation.

It’s serious business.

Driving a motor vehicle is an enormous responsibility. Many lives are at stake. Safety is not only about your son/daughter, but everyone who is on the road.

Professional driving instructors can help your driver stop texting and driving by providing video, testimonials, and pointed instruction tools.

It is a time-consuming task.

Most people work a lot. Most likely, you won’t find the time to modify the driving habits or tendencies of your children. In-car cameras, class instruction, and a top-notch curriculum will make your children better drivers.

They could develop your bad habits.

Let’s be real. You don’t want your young driver to have bad driving habits. You might not always signal your intentions or lose your voice shouting at slow drivers in front. Do not let your mini-I fall for those bad habits.

The greatest benefit of letting a professional teach your child to drive is

Peace of mind

You will still worry, there is no doubt. Your child will not worry as much because they had access to a professional who helped them learn a variety of vehicular strategies that would make them more confident and safer drivers.

LTrent Driving School for New Drivers has fantastic courses taught by professional instructors that will help you develop your child’s driving skills.

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