6 Ways Video Can Enhance Email Marketing Performance

Video Can Enhance Email Marketing Performance

Today’s marketing world is constantly evolving, and it has become important for businesses to adapt to new trends and techniques if they want to stay ahead of their competition.

And one of the most effective ways to stay ahead is to leverage the power of email marketing in your marketing campaigns. In your emails, you can integrate videos and unlock a new world of opportunities in terms of new leads and increased revenues.

Apart from this, you can build brand awareness, encourage engagement, and drive higher conversion rates thus achieving a great ROI.

In this article, we’ll explore 6 ways in which videos can enhance email marketing performance in more detail:

Improved Engagement Rates

The first way or to be precise, the benefit of using Vmails or videos in emails is that they drastically help improve engagement rates.

You see – people are visual creatures, and videos can capture the attention of the audience more effectively as compared to normal text. Moreover, videos are amongst the most shared content pieces on the internet.

This speaks volumes about how videos attached to emails are likely to be shared online thus reaching a wider set of audience.

To maximize the impact of your videos, you need to ensure that they are engaging and relevant to your target audience. The subject line must encourage them to open your vmail. Additionally, keep your videos short and to the point, and do not forget to include an actionable CTA at the end.

Increased Brand Awareness

The second way to utilize the power of videos in your emails is by building brand recognition and loyalty. When you create videos that align with your brand’s values and messaging, you automatically establish a stronger connection with your audience.

On top of that, videos can help your brand go viral if they are produced keeping in mind a solid and realistic goal that matches your audience’s interest.

Also, you must include the brand logo in your videos and other relevant elements for brand recall. This will effectively help you reinforce your brand’s identity and make it easier for viewers to recognize your brand and content.

Better Communication of Information

Through videos, brand communication is made easy because it allows you to break down complex topics into simple and easy-to-understand infographics.

For example, if you’re selling a product video that requires a bit of explanation, a video can be an effective way to demonstrate how it works in action.

To create more effective videos, you must first understand the interests and needs of your audience. Your video must answer questions such as:

What questions do they have about your product video or service? What are their pain points?

By addressing such topics in your videos, you can enhance their knowledge and attract them to your website by positioning yourself as an authority in the industry.

Personalized Messaging

Another powerful aspect of using video content in your emails is their ability to establish potential relationships with the target customers.

For this, you can use their data and turn generic emails into personalized ones by including their names in the subject lines that directly point to their interests. With such customized emails, you’ll be able to successfully increase brand loyalty in their minds.

Also, personalized videos can be created by interpreting metrics and studying overall analytics on the platform’s dashboard. Many email marketing platforms, such as Mailchimp and Constant Contact, offer this functionality.

Higher Conversion Rates

In the B2B industry, videos are the highest conversion-driven tools. As per a study conducted by Animoto, nearly 73% of consumers are more likely to make a buying decision after watching a video that finely convinces them about what the product or service is all about.

Moreover, you can also use videos in different stages of marketing and sales funnels. This will allow you to nurture them properly and convert them later into paying customers.

Another step that you can take to increase conversions is to create videos that are not only informative but also persuasive enough to bring them to your website or landing page.

The intent is not only to educate your target audience but also to convert them into leads.

Greater Return on Investment (ROI)

Nearly, 83% of B2B marketers believe that videos have generated the highest ROI.

While video production can be relatively expensive, it does have a ton of benefits in terms of engagement, awareness, and revenues that make it worthy of an investment.

If you have the right tools and strategies on your desk, the process can be affordable as well as easy to manage.

It’s also better to perform A/B testing with the types of videos you use in your campaigns. You can play with different subject lines, body messages, video styles, email designs, CTAs, etc., and measure the performance recorded respectively.

By doing such, you’ll arrive at a fool-proof marketing template that promises you growth always.


To say the least, videos work wonders when attached to emails.

As the world turns into a closely-knit community, email marketing is still considered an underrated way of reaching out to potential audiences.

By following best practices and keeping in mind the behavior of your target audience, you can surely ace the email marketing game and witness stellar performances.

To make the most of video content in your emails, follow the tips mentioned above and get past your competition.