Female Pattern Baldness: Current Treatments for Hair loss

baldness in women

Female pattern baldness in women is also referred to as androgenic alopecia. This hair loss condition affects women. Female pattern baldness is the same as male pattern baldness except that women lose their hair differently. Hair loss in women is common, especially when you grow old. During menopause, a third of women tend to lose their hair.

Female pattern baldness in women is inherited. The condition is usually common after you have entered menopause and will continue as you age. Hormones are the ones that cause this condition. If you notice that your hair is falling, make sure to see your doctor or dermatologist. They will examine your scalp and let you know what causes the hair loss. If you treat male or female pattern baldness sooner, you may stop the hair loss. There is a possibility that your hair follicles will regrow.

Female pattern baldness in women is also referred to as androgenic alopecia. This hair loss condition affects women. Female pattern baldness is the same as male pattern baldness except that women lose their hair differently. Hair loss in women is common, especially when you grow old. During menopause, a third of women tend to lose their hair.

Female pattern baldness in women is inherited. The condition is usually common after you have entered menopause and will continue as you age. Hormones are the ones that cause this condition. If you notice that your hair is falling, make sure to see your doctor or dermatologist. They will examine your scalp and let you know what causes the hair loss. If you treat male or female pattern baldness sooner, you may stop the hair loss. There is a possibility that your hair follicles will regrow.

What Female Pattern Baldness Resembles?

If you have female pattern baldness, your hair follicles will start to grow in a slower phase. It will take a long time for new hair follicles to grow. Your follicles will shrink, and this will result in weak and finer hairs. Your hair breaks easily and starts falling. Women can lose up to 100 hairs every day. However, if you have female pattern baldness, you may lose more than that per day.

Men tend to lose their hair from the front of their heads, continuing until they are completely bald. But women lose hair all over their scalp. Pattern baldness in women starts from their part line. They may also start losing hair at the temples. Unlike men, women will not go completely bald. However, they will lose a lot of hair.

Female Pattern baldness Diagnosis

If your hair has started falling, make sure to see your doctor. If you do not have a dermatologist, you can research online for the best ones near you. When you find one, please schedule an appointment with them. During the consultation, he will examine the hair loss and will let you know what causes it. Most doctors or dermatologists will not need testing to diagnose female pattern baldness.

Treatment for Female Pattern Baldness

If you are suffering from female pattern baldness, you will have to camouflage new hairstyles. You will eventually have to hide the thinning hair at the top of your head. Most doctors will prefer to diagnose this condition early for better results. The following are some of the medications that are FDA approved to treat female pattern baldness.


Minoxidil is one of the best solutions for hair loss, especially female pattern baldness. It is medically approved and is administered in percentages of two or five. If you have androgenetic alopecia, you should opt for 5%. Make sure to apply this medication to your scalp.

 Minoxidil may not restore the hair fully you had lost, but it will help to regrow your hair significantly. Your new hair will look thicker and healthy. You will continue to see the outcome for up to 12 months. Make sure to continue using this solution often. If this treatment stops working, your hair may return to how it used to before the therapy. Minoxidil has some possible complications, which are :

· Redness in the affected areas

· Some itching

· Your scalp may feel dry as well.

· You may also grow hair in the areas that you do not want. These areas include the neck and face.

Finasteride and Dutasteride

These two medications are FDA-approved and are used to treat male pattern baldness. These are not meant for women, but most doctors recommend you use them if you are suffering from androgenetic alopecia. A study has shown that this medication helps to regrow hair for women suffering from female pattern baldness. Complications that come with this treatment are:

· Some headaches

· In some women, it may cause a decrease in sex drive

If you are on these drugs, make sure not to get pregnant because it might cause some complications.


Spironolactone helps to remove too much fluid from your body. It triggers the production of androgen and helps women who are going through female pattern baldness. They will grow back to normal after using this treatment. Spironolactone has several side effects, which includes :

· Fatigue and tiredness

· Your breasts may become tender

· You might have irregular periods

· Also, you may have electrolyte imbalances

If you are pregnant or planning to get, make sure not to use this treatment.

Final Thought

Male or female pattern baldness is not reversible, but you can stop it. Several medications will help you with that. You may also lose your hair due to low iron. Therefore it is important to have a healthy diet. Also, make sure to avoid stress because it causes alopecia areata. 

Auther Bio

Naman Modi is a Professional Blogger, SEO Expert & Guest blogger at beverlyhillshr.com, He is an Award-Winning Freelancer & Web Entrepreneur helping new entrepreneur’s launches their first successful online business.

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