5 Things to Know Before Investing in Cryptocurrency


Ever since Bitcoin entered the market, alongside the blockchain technology behind it, back in 2009, the crypto market has been evolving. Today, there are over a thousand new cryptocurrencies available on the market, and each one represents a company with the idea that might be worth investing in. 

Digital currencies are fairly new, which makes them unpredictable. What’s more, the crypto market is decentralized and unregulated, which makes it seem a bit chaotic, to say the least. In other words, there are a lot of factors to consider before you decide to invest, that is if you don’t want to make a costly mistake. 

The more you inform yourself about cryptocurrencies, in general, and the more you familiarize yourself with the market, the easier it will be to plan out your investment strategies. With that in mind, here are a few things to know before investing in cryptocurrency. 

Don’t invest everything

As mentioned before, the crypto market is decentralized and unregulated. That’s why the market is unstable and highly volatile. In other words, major shifts and changes can happen quickly, and they will happen often. If you rush to gain profits, you might lose everything on a single investment. 

That’s why you shouldn’t invest everything and only invest money you can afford to lose. What’s more, you’ll have to be patient and strategic about your investment. The more you try to win on short notice, the greater the odds that you’ll just increase your losses. 

Try to mine your assets

Many investors start their journey by investing fiat money into cryptocurrencies. However, there’s also another approach you should consider. The fact of the matter is that it’s possible to trade one currency for another as an investment strategy. You can also mine crypto instead of buying it. 

Of course, the most valuable crypto is Bitcoin, so it would be recommended to obtain an efficient Bitcoin mining rig if you want to give mining a go. While your crypto is being mined, you can develop your investment or trading strategies further. That way, when you have enough crypto you can enter the market prepared. 

Do some research

Not every cryptocurrency on the market is legit. This is a result of the crypto market being unregulated. As a matter of fact, a lot of new cryptos on the market are, in fact, a scam. That’s why it’s very important to do research before you actually invest in something. 

You must read the company’s whitepaper, check them out online and on social media, check the forums regarding their ICOs or tokens and thoroughly analyze the situation. 

If you see any red flags it’s a sign to be cautious or to turn away completely. However, the purpose of the research is not only to identify potential scams. As a matter of fact, its purpose is to help you determine whether or not this company is worth investing in. Consider this, would you buy a car before test driving it first?


The cryptocurrency market differs from other markets in many ways. As an example, the crypto market is similar to the stock market but the way you monitor market capitalization and company performance are quite different. That’s why you should consider networking a bit before you decide to invest. This is especially true if you’re unfamiliar with how the crypto market works. 

Other and more experienced investors might provide you with some valuable advice or show you the ropes at the very least. Therefore, join various investment groups and forums where you can gather some information and perhaps even discuss various trading strategies with others. Be mindful though, because many crypto investors see each other as competitors so some might try to undermine you by giving you bad advice. 

Test your strategies

Like with any other investment, investing in cryptos can oftentimes come down to simple trial and error. You must test your strategies to determine if your efforts are paying off or not. That’s why it’s important to diversify your investments and not place all of your assets in a single one. 

You can expect three outcomes; either you gain money, lose money or your investment remains stable. Based on the outcomes, you can track your results and determine if the strategy is working or not. Moreover, the market dynamics will shift, and you’ll have to readjust your strategies accordingly. 

Just make sure you’re ready when that happens. Last but not least, be ready and willing to step away when things don’t look favorable. The situation can easily go from bad to works and to good again. The key is in waiting for the right moment and the right opportunity to invest

Cryptocurrencies have gained a lot of fame in a relatively short amount of time. The idea of having decentralized digital assets that aren’t under any regulations by central banks and governments is more than appealing for numerous investors. However, the very same nature of the crypto market calls for caution because you can’t accurately predict how things will turn out at the end of the day.

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