Therapeutic Tips for Improving Your Family’s Mental Health

Therapeutic Tips for Improving Your Family's Mental Health pic

The stress of 2020 has made it hard for everyone, no matter their age, improving mental health to manage focus and stay upbeat. Many of us have been forced into working or studying on new platforms that have added to our strain and worry. Finally, parents who were workers have been turned into teachers, which is an uncertain role for the adult and the child.

Bump Up the Schedule

Take small steps today to make tomorrow easier. Try to get all work done before dinner so the rest of the evening can be calmer. Strive to set up other conveniences before bed, including

  • outfits on hangers so clothing choices are addressed
  • schoolwork and machines gathered and stacked so classes can begin on time
  • lunches, as needed, prepped and kitchen tidied before bed

If you work out first thing, set up your gear and shoes before turning in. For those who need coffee to get their brain rolling, set up the pot so all you have to do is hit the power switch. Morning brain time is creative time; rote practices are easier in the evening, so protect your morning.

Lower Some Standards

Yes, baths are important. However, could you skip one night a week, like before pajama day, and get to bed early? Could you use the television as a babysitter for 30 minutes a night and journal or meditate in your room? Have cereal for supper and leave the kitchen a little messy. Go to bed early instead of cleaning every now and again.

It’s very easy to get focused on keeping your children’s lives free of stress, but if you’re really tied up about something, your children will be impacted by it. Do what it takes to keep your children happy and engaged, but don’t forget to make a little room for yourself as well.

Schedule a Pajama Day

Once a month, schedule a pajama day for the whole family. Line up movies to share, do a little shopping and cooking ahead so nobody has to be in the kitchen unless they want to, and don’t run any errands, at all, on pajama day.

Admittedly, this may simply not be possible depending on your workload. Another option is to split shift pajama day, so Dad gets a day and Mom gets a day. If Dad wants to go to a special event, he’s covered, and if Mom needs a day out, she’s covered. If you can’t do a whole day choose a half day.

Make Time for Adult Connection

If you’re a single parent, dating during 2020 may not have been an option. However, it’s important to make time for adult connection. Grab a coffee with a friend while the kids are with the co-parent, or meet up at a spot with a play area so kids can burn off energy while you catch up.

For couples, do what’s necessary to guard your personal relationship. If you can’t get away for the weekend, hire a sitter or send the kids to stay with a grandparent, an aunt or an uncle. Make improvements to your space to allow chances for connection between the two of you. Find a spa or softub for sale and book a star-watching date once the kids are in bed.

Beware of Comparisons

Avoid comparing your lives to others, particularly during your exposure to social media. It’s very easy to see the photos of others and feel that you aren’t measuring up, which will wipe out all the work you’ve done to reduce pressure for your family and put more pressure on you.

If your children relax best by watching the latest cartoon movie four times in a row every Saturday, let it run. Wear earbuds. Have one dance party with your kids to their favorite tune in the movie, then go ahead and ignore it while your children are soothed by their special character. Eat a little junk food. Read a bodice-ripper novel. You don’t have to be constantly improving to be thriving.


Sometimes the best thing we can do to improving mental health is be alone. If you have a family member that needs a little solitude, do your best to honor this. There are events in life that make some time in a blanket fort the best thing you can do for everyone’s improving mental health.

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