
Content creation and distribution, or what is called in Anglo-Saxon terms “content marketing” is experiencing a golden age. The Internet and the ease with which we can generate and distribute valuable content to “work” for the benefit of our brand has made thousands of companies around the world strongly embrace this modality. Now, what exactly is content? Or in other  words, what kind of content should a business promote?  In this article, we will explain the types of content and their main differences.

From a strategic point of view,  we need to understand “Content Marketing”  as more than a post on our corporate blog, more than a whitepaper published over time. Content marketing must include a complete set of actions designed to benefit our company over time.

We need to be able to understand and create content that matches the terms and key points of the niche market, the skills needed to understand the niche, and to understand how it differs from our competitor. Let’s see what kind of content we are talking about.


Some companies make the mistake of creating content for the sole purpose of creating content. They don’t have a concrete plan and just write posts at random and then post them on the company’s website.

Before embarking on a content marketing campaign, you have to assess the knowledge you have and whether or not you have an online audience for that content. Ask yourself: “What messages am I most qualified to convey?”.


You can create the best sound in the world, but it’s useless unless you throw it at the right people. This is nothing new – but it’s a mistake many companies make when publishing content.

The larger the audience you reach, the greater the impact of your message. It is much more effective to direct a single message to a specific audience or create multiple messages, each designed to impact a specific audience.


One of our main goals when creating content should be to bridge the gap between being known and becoming a brand you can trust. While SEO can help build the first pillar it will be quality content that will cement the rest. In this section we will find:

  • How-To content:  guides or articles giving advice or explaining how we can make more than one product or service.
  • Comments: Collect  and publish comments that our customers and web users have posted in different environments.
  • Testimonials:  publishing testimonies and opinions of our customers and thus building trust.
  • Articles:  If we have time, we can write for other websites, publications, magazines the same in our company’s niche.

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Engaging our customers in content generation increases their loyalty and loyalty, to build a community around our brand and improve our bottom line.

  • References and Reviews:  Encourage customers to write about us on other sites. To generate discussion around specific topics, to engage them in a conversation that revolves around our brand.
  • Success Stories:  When a customer is truly satisfied with the service we provide, we can convince them to participate in a “success story”, highlighting the customer in the use of your product.


One of the most important things to keep in mind is that nowadays nobody likes to be constantly bombarded with publicity, self-praise and self-promotion. We’re not the only ones capable of generating quality content, and if we create the community where advertising and self-promotion excels too much, we’re in serious trouble. We should create content like:

  • Customized RSS:  We start by creating an RSS feed that brings together the main sources of information and news in the niche market.
  • Share:  Sharing others’ content on our Facebook page, retweets what others say, and generally acknowledging the quality of content created by other people or companies, is one of the best ways to build trust and engage in the community.
  • Tools like  Storify , for example, allow us to generate an article based on what is being said on social networking sites on a given topic. With a little patience, analytical skills and focus, we can create great stories based on questions and concerns shared by our clients.


If so far you have been talking about content that helps us to position ourselves as a brand, in this section we have to include the type of content that often translates into sales, that is, what is the content that converts.

  • Events:  actively participate in events, conferences and seminars. it’s one of the best ways not only to make us known, but to sell our idea.
  • Results:  nothing speaks more about us than the evidence of a job well done and concrete results. Providing this information can help to value ourselves more positively as an option.

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 The real-time web is the ultimate barometer for news and events. Examine real-time data, both external (eg Twitter trends) and internal (eg visits to your website for a given search). search.

In content marketing, the brand is not just a secondary object, it is part of the entire planning of a film or television script, and its interaction between cast and presenters . When a beer brand appears on the table of a soap opera character, the advertiser is no longer just an advertiser, and is considered a co-producer, as his product is incorporated into the script.

And finally, keep in mind that if you plan on using your content as a marketing tool, then you have to commit to providing a steady stream of content. An article or video is not a content strategy… it’s a long shot. The lack of content is most often considered a serious fault, no one likes to visit sites that have nothing new to offer.