Sleep-Related Leg Cramps

restless legs syndrome

Nowadays, several sleep-related disorders come into existence. These disorders occur due to the unhealthy lifestyles and stress of people. This causes disruptions while sleeping. Let us talk about one common sleep syndrome that is leg cramps. We will tell you what this disorder is and how it affects your sleep.

What is Sleep-Related Leg Cramps?

Leg cramps are sudden and acute pains in the leg or foot. When a muscle contracts and tightens, it causes discomfort. You are unable to control the cramps that occur. Sleep leg cramps are more common in women and the elderly, although they can affect anybody. They have an impact on your sleep, workout routine, and overall quality of life. 

The sensation of a leg cramp is similar to that of a tightened, constricted muscle that has tightened into a knot. It can be very unpleasant, painful, or even terrible. Leg cramps are frequently mistaken for restless legs syndrome (RLS). Both of these issues are characterized by leg pain when sleeping. Sleep leg cramps tend to come during sleep or around the time you go to sleep, whereas RLS tends to arise in the late hours/morning.

Symptoms of Sleep-Related Leg Cramps-

Sleep leg cramps can be uncomfortable and disrupting. The following symptoms you can experience if you are suffering from sleep-related leg cramps-

  • Leg feelings that are unpleasant or painful.
  • Discomfort that intensifies at night or in the evening.
  • Walking or stretching provides relief.
  • Feelings that worsen when you don’t exercise or get enough rest.
  • Calf or foot cramps that wake you up in the middle of the night and create severe discomfort.
  • The discomfort was intense and lasted less than 10 minutes.
  • Soreness that lasts for hours or even days.
  • Cramps and feelings of tension surrounding falling asleep cause sleep disturbance.

Causes of Sleep-Related Leg Cramps-

Leg cramps can be disturbing and painful. Sleep might be disrupted if you have discomfort in the middle of the night. The specific reason for midnight leg cramps is unknown. They may occur as a result of your nerves sending incorrect signals to your muscles. The following can be some possible causes of Sleep Leg Disorder-

  1. Diabetes– A illness that prevents your body from adequately using the energy provided by eating.
  2. Hemodialysis (kidney failure)- A condition in which one or both kidneys aren’t functioning properly.
  3. Sitting in the wrong position- Sitting for lengthy periods with your legs crossed or your toes pointed shortens the calf muscles, which can cause cramping.
  4. Long periods of standing- People who stand for lengthy periods at work are more prone to have sleep leg cramps, according to research.
  5. Pregnancy
  6. Alcohol
  7. Structural abnormalities such as Flat feet or spinal stenosis.
  8. You aren’t getting enough water.
  9. Low blood sugar levels.
  10. Some neurological illnesses such as motor neuron disease and peripheral neuropathy can cause leg cramps.
  11. Neurodegenerative conditions like Parkinson’s disease can cause this disorder.
  12. Osteoarthritis, liver, kidney, and thyroid disease are examples of musculoskeletal problems.

Treatment/Tips to cure Sleep-Related Leg Cramps-

The disease however can be cured or you can relieve the symptoms. You just have to make some changes in your lifestyle to do this. The following are some treatments to cure this Sleep-related leg syndrome-

Stretching -.

Stretching before bed and shortly after you wake up can make a big impact on how much discomfort you have in your lower body. It can help to lessen the severity and frequency of sleep leg cramps.

Get some exercise-

For patients with persistent leg pain, exercising during the day can be incredibly useful. Exercise can help you manage your pain, enhance your physical function, and improve your overall quality of life.


Dehydration can induce cramps. That’s why staying hydrated throughout the day may assist to lessen the frequency of muscular cramps.

Maintain a regular sleeping schedule-

Every day, go to bed and wake up at the same time. You may teach your body to sleep on a regular schedule this way.


By relaxing the muscles in your legs, massaging your calves or feet before bed might help you avoid cramping during the night.


Stress-reduction strategies such as meditation and gradual muscle relaxation should be used. This will assist you in putting your worries away before bedtime and allowing you to fall asleep more easily.

Inflammatory foods should be avoided-

Sugar, saturated fats, gluten, processed carbs, and other substances should be avoided. All of these things should be avoided since they might cause more inflammation in the body and hence greater discomfort.


Leg cramps may be incredibly painful, as anybody who has experienced them knows. Fortunately, they aren’t always indicators of a significant issue. However, if you are experiencing chronic and unbearable pain and are having trouble sleeping, then you must see a doctor for a proper diagnosis.

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