6 Tips for Securing and Protecting Your Company Vehicles


Purchasing vehicles for your company is a big decision. Your company vehicles represent who you are and how your business operates. But one of the biggest concerns every business owner should have is safeguarding the investments they’ve made in their vehicles. You can take several steps to secure your company vehicles, but here are six that are super simple but highly effective.

1. GPS tracking

GPS tracking may be an excellent investment if you have a fleet of company vehicles. While GPS fleet tracking is capable of monitoring the location and speed of your fleet, it goes far beyond a simple map.

Ultimately, using this technology can help your business reach its objectives. In addition to tracking your fleet, GPS also helps you monitor driver behavior, reduce accidents, and reduce insurance costs.

Security and protection are top concerns for most people. According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau, nearly $1 billion of construction equipment is stolen. GPS vehicle tracking can protect your vehicles from theft and damage with this security at your fingertips.

It is precious for monitoring heavy machinery, which is susceptible to theft. But before you decide on GPS tracking for your company vehicles, you should consider whether your employees are genuinely aware of where they are.

2. Dashcams

Companies have many reasons to install dash cams in their company vehicles. These devices help keep your company vehicles safer, but they can also protect your assets from hit-and-runs. Insurance claims can be easier to prove when dashcams are present.

Also, dashcam recordings can help police and insurance companies determine who is to blame if an accident occurs. Dashcams are cost-effective and help avoid hefty insurance claims for a stolen vehicle.

3. Inspect Vehicles Regularly

There are many reasons for examining company vehicles for security and protection. Drivers must make sure that the vehicle is safe and roadworthy, and the inspection certificate decal on the vehicle and trailer should be current.

The inspection must be performed every year by a licensed mechanic. The vehicle must pass the National Safety Code. These standards have been adopted by regulation under the Highway Traffic Act. The inspection process should be carried out regularly, and drivers should be aware of their obligations to the public.

4. Letting Qualified Employees Drive Them

Have you screened all your company drivers? Do they meet all the requirements? Do they have the aptitude to safeguard your vehicles on and off the road? Companies that have a policy of letting qualified employees use company vehicles should make every effort to enforce this policy.

This is especially true if you have employees who have specific disabilities. This can help recruit good candidates by offering company vehicles to employees who can’t use public transportation.

However, it is essential to note that a company vehicle policy doesn’t guarantee that unauthorized drivers will not use the vehicle. It is best to balance a reasonable policy and an effective recruitment tool.

5. Install Added Protection

Depending on your needs and requirements, you can choose from multiple protection car accessories and optional installments.

These upgrades provide enhanced security, and protection and keep your company vehicle in good condition for the long run. Ram Bumpers and windshield coating can protect your company’s front and rear ends from being damaged from impact, protect glass from chipping and enhance clarity.

6. Make Sure You Have the Best Possible Insurance Coverage

You’ll need insurance for all of your automobiles, as you’d anticipate. For the most part, the single plans for a personal driver are more expensive per policy than the available group packages.

However, if you want the best possible protection, you shouldn’t be content with the bare minimum. Additionally, insurance premiums are rising, which makes it more essential than ever to protect your fleet.

Instead, go with all-inclusive plans that cover the costs of repairs and losses in the most likely scenarios. Talk to a representative from your insurance company to determine which choice is best for you.


No question protecting your company’s fleet of vehicles—or any vehicle, for that matter—can be a big challenge. One option is to arm vehicles with an anti-theft tracker so the police can quickly locate them, but there are other measures you can take as well. Like anything in security and protection, the best approach is to add multiple layers of defense.