Requirements to Become a Surrogate in California

surrogate in california

If you want to become a surrogate in California, you should know that there are requirements to become a surrogate in CA. Individual surrogacy professionals in CA have requirements that surrogates need to fill up. The requirements vary from surrogacy professional to surrogacy professional in CA. However, below is an established outline of the requirements to become a surrogate in California that you can accept to pursue your desire to become a surrogate in CA.

Age Restriction for the Surrogates in CA

The age restriction for surrogates in California varies between surrogacy professionals, but the standard age limit is 21 to 40 years old for the surrogates in CA. It is because pregnancy takes a heavy toll on the human body that is best handled by surrogates of a specific range of age. Maintaining the restriction is good for the health of the baby and the surrogate mother. It is also for the financial and legal security of everyone involved.

Health Requirements to Become a Surrogate in CA

Health requirements to become a surrogate in CA imply that she must already have given birth to at least one baby except for any complications and that she must not have undergone more than 5 preceding vaginal births and 3 preceding cesarean births, and that she must be free from alcohols, drugs, and smoke including from the burning end of a cigarette and breathed out by the smokers.

Besides, the Body Mass Index (BMI) or a value derived from the mass (weight) and height of her must be about 19 to 32. After she meets these health requirements, she will move on to the medical screening test that includes urine tests, blood tests, physical tests, and much more to ensure that she is fit for the fertility treatment and embryo transfer.

Mental and Emotional Requirements to Become a Surrogate in CA

To ensure that you are going to qualify as a candidate for surrogacy in the USA (maternità surrogata usa), you have to meet some mental and emotional requirements also. As a possible surrogate, you will have to complete a psychological screening process. The psychological screening process will include personality tests wherein the specialists will as you questions like what your idea about surrogacy is, whether you are ready or not about the probable situations that can arise during any time of your surrogacy, and how you would like to handle the problems.

Support Team at Home to Become a Surrogate in CA

Surrogacy professionals in California consider those surrogacy candidates as ideal ones who have their husbands and at least one child whom they are raising. Also, their husbands must support the surrogates mentally, emotionally, and in every way possible to decide and to complete their surrogacy journeys successfully. And, this support needs to be very consistent and strong so that the ultimate surrogacy success can be expected.

Other Requirements to Become a Surrogate in CA

The other requirements to become a surrogate in California include having fluency in English, being a permanent resident of the United States of America, having the mindset to take no financial help from the government for her surrogacy, completing a background check, having the commitment of her better half in the surrogacy process for the legal purposes, and the surrogate’s being able to commit to traveling to all the appointments related to surrogacy and pregnancy anywhere in California for at least 12 months.

If you think that you have all the above requirements in you with a desire to become a surrogate in California, you can meet a surrogacy professional there to give a family in California a priceless gift who is in need of a child. Being a surrogate is a matter of respect an incredibly great choice of lifestyle with sacrifice.

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