Everything You Need To Know About Psychiatrist

need to know about psychiatrist

The psychiatrist is a specialist in mental health that aims to diagnose, treat, prevent and rehabilitate various types of mental disorders, such as depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, among other mental disorders.

This specialist is trained to make the diagnosis, prescribe psychiatric medications to assist in the treatments and make the rehabilitation of patients. For that, the professional needs to study 6 years of medicine and another 3 years of specialization in psychiatry.

In this article I will present an overview of the psychiatrist, explaining how this professional works, when it is recommended to consult him and what should be observed to choose this type of care. Keep reading to learn more!

Treatments offered by psychiatrist

Diseases related to psychiatry can cause various changes and mental disorders that, in some cases, are irreversible. However, it is possible to prevent and treat many changes when they are diagnosed early on.

Thus, regular consultation with a psychiatrist is essential for good mental health. Below are the most common psychiatric illnesses:

drug addiction: alcoholism and use of illicit drugs such as cocaine, among other toxic and highly addictive substances;

depression: feeling of deep sadness, accompanied by discouragement, low self-esteem and social isolation;

schizophrenia: language disorders, affect, perception, thinking, social activity and unwillingness;

panic: similar to anxiety disorder, with sudden bouts of intense fear without real justification;

obsessive compulsive disorder: known as OCD, with obsessive and compulsive thoughts that interfere with people’s routine;

bipolar disorder: alternates phases of good mood and intense productivity with phases of depression;

eating disorders: anorexia (not eating for fear of gaining weight) and bulimia (causing vomiting after eating large amounts of food);

anxiety disorders: excessive worry or apprehensive expectation

dissociative disorders: feeling disconnected from oneself and / or the surrounding environment

sleep disorders: sleeping too little or too many hours, disorders of habits and impulses

sexual disorders: excessive search for sexual satisfaction.

Each type of psychiatric disorder has one or more characteristic symptoms, and it is important to observe them to seek professional help in time.

When to see a psychiatrist

There are several symptoms of psychiatric diseases, in general, feelings of depression, extreme anxiety, hallucinations and delusions are the most common and indicate urgency in the diagnosis of these diseases.

In addition to these signs, other important indications are:

difficulty in reasoning: mental confusion and slowness of thought to conclude reasoning clearly and objectively;

hyperactivity: thinking about several things at the same time and not focusing on any;

isolation and demotivation: feeling of feeling better away from other people;

intense fear and feeling of suffocation: when the feeling has no logical explanation and accompanied by shortness of breath;

obsessive and compulsive attitudes: that demand a lot of time and interfere with the patient’s routine; manias such as perfectionism

mood swings: with moments that alternate between euphoria and deep sadness.

Thus, when a person feels more anxious than normal, afraid, or very sad and discouraged that persist for a few weeks, it is important to seek psychiatric help.

Psychiatrist’s performance

In a first consultation, a detailed assessment of the person is made, considering the biological, psychological and behavioral aspects. It includes analyzing the patient’s mental and physical state, such as checking blood pressure and heart rate.

Psychic assessment occurs from the moment the patient enters the office, through careful observation of their behavior, mood, verbal communication and attention, among other aspects. This exam is complemented during consultations with dialogues, tests and questionnaires.

Detailed analysis of mental status is essential, as most psychiatric disorders are not apparent, requiring some specific tests.

Tests that help diagnose psychiatric illnesses

Often, illnesses are caused by chemical changes in the body. To identify them, laboratory and imaging tests can be requested, such as:

dosage of anticonvulsants in the blood;

  • hormone dosage
  • blood lithium measurement
  • electrocardiogram
  • liver function
  • renal function
  • fasting blood glucose
  • blood count
  • nuclear magnetic resonance of the brain
  • neuropsychological tests

Multidisciplinary treatment

Often, the psychiatrist works with other health professionals, such as psychologists, psychoanalysts and neurologists, in order to obtain better results in treatments.

In cases where there is a need for the psychiatrist and the psychologist to work together, the former may prescribe medication to relieve symptoms caused by changes in the patient’s mental health.

The psychologist helps the individual to understand and face these problems. Thus, these professionals interact until the patient no longer needs medication and demonstrate that he can deal with his problems independently.

Aspects that must be observed when choosing a psychiatrist

Before choosing a psychiatrist, it is necessary to research and observe some important aspects to be sure of a qualified professional attendance.

To do so, it is necessary to check if the doctor is registered with the Regional Council of Medicine of the State and if he has the RQE, which indicates that he has done a medical residency in psychiatry.

To increase the likelihood of a good choice, it is also important to take other precautions, such as:

  • seek referrals from doctors and other health professionals;
  • check if the psychiatrist’s care fits your budget;
  • prefer psychiatrists who attend conferences and other events to keep up to date;
  • check if the psychiatrist’s hours are compatible with his routine to avoid abandoning treatment.

In this sense, a good option to consult with a qualified professional, can be found in popular psychiatric clinic such as Islamabad Psychiatric Clinic and Rehabilitation Center, which presents differentials with quality service and affordable prices.

As we have seen, the psychiatrist prevents and treats patients’ mental disorders, by attending consultations and prescribing psychiatric medications. In order to choose this professional, it is important to observe aspects regarding their training, amounts charged and compatible schedules.


The psychiatrist has a degree in medicine and subsequently specializes in psychiatry. It takes about nine to ten years before this professional can complete his training.

for example.

The psychiatrist can specialize in child-juvenile, forensic psychiatry, psychogeriatrics, psychotherapy and inter-consultation in a general hospital. IPCRC also has professionals specialized in men, women and adolescent’s mental health.

The psychiatrist, during his specialization, goes through the sectors of neurology, emergencies, medical clinic and others so that he can learn, in practice, how to study and treat a patient.

The psychiatrist’s work is a little more comprehensive, since he has knowledge about neurology and psychopharmacology and, therefore, has the ability to understand the biological issue of the problem presented by the patient.

Among the professionals who work in the work of the human mind, the only one who can prescribe medication for the patient is the psychiatrist. Whoever is being treated with this professional, in addition to neurological assistance, can also receive medication assistance.

The psychiatrist’s performance is basically outpatient. But, also be on-call duty (emergencies and psychiatric wards), in-hospital consultations (on-call) or in the expert activity.

Psychiatric consultations tend to take longer than consultations with other clinical specialties. It is not uncommon for a first psychiatric consultation to exceed 90 minutes. The medical procedures performed by the psychiatrist are few: electroconvulsive therapy, transcranial magnetic stimulation, for example. Therefore, the professional’s main means of work is his office.

The psychiatrist at the beginning of his career ends up working more on duty, while as soon as he is able to establish himself, he works during business hours, with few being dependent on bonds in emergencies or wards, usually by choice.

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