How to Hack Your Education: 5 Things to Consider

your education

You do not have to spend on expensive universities or schools to receive an education. You can obtain the same knowledge and even more with self-education. You have to keep in mind a few things before you do that. When you follow the right tips, you can be sure of not missing out on anything for a successful life.

How To Have A Successful Life Without Having To Follow The Conventional Educational Path?

To become successful, you do not just need to have to follow the conventional education path. Aim further than others by just following some simple right habits in your life with conviction.

Practice a Routine

You must develop good discipline and a proper routine because you do not have anyone asking you to stick with deadlines. When you do not do that, you might often end up neglecting your work. 

Though there is no one single method to resort to, you need to see what works best for you. Two books might help you. One of them is Nick Winter’s Motivation Hacker, which tells you how to stay motivated at work, waking up early with a proper schedule. In the book, Daily Rituals, the working habits of 200 famous artists, scientists and writers are summarized. 


The tactics you use to learn in school are not sufficient for you in real life. It is important to inculcate new learning strategies if you want to educate yourself. Also, make sure that you do not stick to one and see what works best. 

The more suited a learning strategy is to you, the more effective it is. To improve your learning skills, How To Become a Straight-A Student will help your learning process become more effective, thereby giving you tons of free time. 

An example of a role model among self-educators would be Scott H. Young. Did you know that he studied four years of electrical engineering at MIT in just one year, without enrolling himself at MIT? He has got a perfect work routine with excellent discipline. You can start referring to his blogs to obtain all kinds of information about the learning techniques to develop a successful working routine. 

Search for Best Resources

Choose the best resources online to obtain the best skills. These resources are sometimes equal to what you can get in college education and sometimes better. Check the ones that are the easiest for you to study. For some assistance you can always use online writing help.

The resources you can learn can be books or workshops or from a therapist or by attending seminars. Whatever it is, check what suits you the best and learn the best that you can. 

Try To Learn As Much As You Can From The Best

When you have the resources of the whole world online, begin by connecting with the world’s leaders online. They will agree to answer any questions in email only if your questions are smart. 

There’s no good way to obtain knowledge than from the best in the field. Along with unique insights, you would even be at the disposal of valuable connections. When you do this, you would be so equipped with knowledge that you would surpass those who take up a conventional education path.

Learning Is More Important Than Money

You should start obtaining in-hand experience after you gain the necessary skills. This is because, unlike the unconventional educational path, you need to look out for internships or opportunities. 

This is usually included in the educational courses that students take up. Try taking up any job in the early stage. Be willing to even work for free. Make sure you make a portfolio displaying all your skills. 

No matter what your field is, try gaining hands-on experience as early as you can. It is sometimes easier in some fields whereas in others it’s not. So be creative and think outside the box. There are many self-educators out there who can help you to improve and develop strategies. 

Extreme Learners is one such great platform that you can utilize. Knowledge is something that makes up your whole life. It makes you equipped and prepared for life. It gives you the expertise to enable you to achieve what you want in life. Thus, do not neglect it and follow the above tips.

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