How can you turn your business green and save more money?

business green

The crisis hit world is taking a turn in terms of green energy. Governments all over the world have realized the importance of low carbon economies. After observing the environmental effects of lockdowns, some will be pursuing greener more aggressively. Economies are experiencing a major meltdown due to the lockdowns, but the environment is thriving and breathing again.

Experts are fearing that any good that has been achieved so far might diminish with the stimulation efforts to kick start the economic engine. Eventually, it comes down to us to take individual measures in order to reduce carbon footprint.

Governments in Europe, UK and Canada are offering renewable energy incentives to their citizens. It is time that you carry the can to make your business green. you can follow some very simple steps to start.

Why do you want to go green?

It is an investment that you put in your business for future sustainability. EPA says that even in near future, environmental issues will change the market and business mindsets. The businesses well prepared for environmental related changes will be able to leave mark and make their place. They will also cope well with high energy prices.

Let’s take a look at some ways you can adopt to make your business green environmentally friendly.

Change your company’s culture

The first step is to take your employees onboard. Set your green goals and make things easy and do it lightly in a more engaging way. The key here is to determine how effectively you can measure your performance. You will be aware of the saving you make.  Your results will show your work towards making your community more aware. Your employees are your asset. Take ideas from them and value their input.

Look for government incentives

You can get various incentives offered by the governments who are serious towards climate. For example, in the UK, The Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) is designed to give incentives to those who are making efforts towards greener solutions. You can also get tax breaks if you are replacing your machinery and shifting towards smarter and greener production. You can consult a professional accountant who can give you clarity about the tax related reliefs and other packages.

Replace your appliances

Starting with little things will make your way towards efficiency. By changing the light bulbs, maybe you won’t save a bulk of energy but will be enough to mark a solid start. LED bulbs are far more energy efficient. They also lack toxic substances like mercury and other gases. Worrying about their price? Well, if you want a long-lasting solution then LEDs are the solution and they will save you more than you probably spend. Durability is an extra add on that comes with LED lights.

Quit plastic bottles

Do you know that millions and millions of tons of plastic are discarded each year in our oceans? 32-million-ton plastic was gathered in 2011 in the US alone. You are thinking of recycling them for sure. But you have to know that a very small proportion of plastic finds its way back to the recycling plant. So, why add plastic to pollute our lands and oceans? You can also install a water purifier in your office to get clean water. This will make your office plastic free. Also, this will give you clean and fresh water and you can avoid plastic bottles.

Partner with green businesses

You always choose your partners very carefully. You make sure that the person you are doing business with will not lose your money. Why not choose a vendor who is environmentally aware. Choose your vendor carefully and interview them if needed. You have to see if your partner or vendor is following the sustainability goals.

Host events to raise funds

Hosting a program for a cause is good for your reputation. Do it for the environment. You will feel good about doing something that matters. It will bring meaning to make your business green also. An annual fundraising event will boost your company PR. You can contribute towards planting trees and other environmental initiatives. Just find what you are good at and involve your community in your events as well.

Clean your office with sustainable products

At the end of the day, detailed office cleaning is done using different products. Most of the chemicals that are in use for janitorial purposes are toxic to our climate. You can replace your washing products with more greener solutions. You may shy away because of the pricing. Green solutions are much more beneficial in terms of health. Your health can be improved and you can also avoid allergic reactions. So, you can gain a lot by spending a little extra money and turn your business green.

Sustainable development goals can be achieved by an individual. One person can make a difference in his company. If you own a company, you can lead it with more energy. You can join other leaders who are working with the same commitment.

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