Essential Factors To Consider When Planning Residential Landscaping

residential landscaping

Are you interested in redesigning your landscape, or do you need to make slight changes to your landscape? There are a few factors to consider when planning residential landscaping. Developing the best plan helps you choose plants that will fit your space and thrive excellently. 

Few Facts to Know Before Planning Residential Landscaping

If you want to develop a plan for your residential landscaping, this guide will channel you into creating a cohesive and lovely landscape. 

1. Understand Your Yard

Having a clear idea about your land space is paramount. Consider your climate, topography of the land space, soil type and other factors. The yard conditions create a microclimate depending on the location’s sun and shade exposure. A perfect landscape design will structure a path for water to move away from your home to other yard areas.

2. Who Will Be Using Your Yard?

Most yards in the states are used by seniors, children, pets, and several other activities. Different spaces can be created for different activities on the same landscape. Whether you are using and maintaining the yard all by yourself or planning to hire a professional to maintain it, consider your budget. 

3. Landscape Theme

Study the architecture of your home and consider an excellent theme for your landscape. A theme helps to unify the landscape. Also, it guides the materials and plant selections. Your theme can be as simple as making use of consistent forms throughout the yard complex as developing a relaxation garden or an oriental garden. Some questions to help you get the best theme include:

  • Are you a fan of geometric shapes and structures in your landscape?
  • Do you want to include only specific colors on your landscape?
  • Do you want a more natural feel to your space? 

4. Allow Your Plants to Work for You

At the initial stage of your planning, you should have a structure of how your plants would work for you. Plants are used in different ways, such as providing delicious fruits and fresh vegetables, lovely aromas, etc. Furthermore, plants can serve as barriers to certain parts of your landscape and mark the end of the landscape. 

5. Structure Your Plantings

When selecting plants, consider your visual planes. Begin from areas higher than you; consider the overhead plane, such as the archways and trees. Consider how far or close you want your plants to be on the vertical side. How are the plants going to be staggered or layered? All these should be carefully considered. 

6. Highlight Essential Parts

There are particular areas of your landscape that are unique. So, you have to highlight them using specific plants, structures, or garden ornaments. In addition, making use of contrasting textures, shapes, colors, and sizes will capture attention to that highlighted part.

7. Be Sensitive to Details

You can end up creating a captivated landscape if only you would pay good attention to details. Hardscapes, plants, and garden ornaments have their specific visual details. Putting all these intelligently together can make the best landscape for you. Ensure the scents of the plants complement each other as they start to bloom.


Having beautiful residential landscaping is excellent. However, you should do your best to consider the maintenance of this beautiful landscape you have achieved. Adequate maintenance and care would make it remain as fresh as ever. More so, protecting your investment is paramount. A professional local landscape contractor is needed at this point to assist you with proper solutions to protect your landscape.