Top 9 Relevant Facts About Facial Hair Transplant

Facial hair transplant

Facial hair transplant is one of the most popular methods of hair or beard restoration. Most people are logging in to have full beards, and nothing can stop them from achieving the looks they are going for. The cost for a beard or facial hair transplant is not cheap. Men are paying a lot of money to get the best beard transplant.

Facial hair transplant is the best process because the results are always permanent. You will also regain your confidence back since the outcome is natural. If you suffer from facial hair loss, make sure to talk to your doctor and know if the process is fit for you. You may be wondering whether this procedure works. Before you undergo a facial hair transplant, here are some facts about facial hair transplant.

Relevant Fact About Facial Hair Transplant

It Is the Same as a Hair Transplant

A facial hair transplant procedure is the same as that of a hair transplant. The doctors mostly use the FUE method to remove hair from the donor area and transplant them to the affected areas of your face. The hair comes from the back of your head, where there is thick hair. The surgeon will select that hair that matches your facial hair well, and then he will carefully plant them to the affected areas of your scalp.

The difference that is there between the bead transplant and hair transplant is the incisions. When transplanting facial hair, the doctor uses smaller incisions. During the hair transplant, the incisions used are bigger. If you have a balding head, the doctor will then use the chest hair as the donor’s hair.

It Takes Time

A facial hair transplant takes about two to three hours to finish. Always make you take a few hours off for the procedure. The time it takes for it to be completed depends on the area covered and the density of the beard.

Hair Growth is Will Like Facial Hair

After the facial transplant surgery, you will have natural hair, and you will not have to worry. Your beard hair will grow like the hair on your head. The texture will be the same, and its features will match the extracted hair.

Not only beard

A facial hair transplant does not mean only a beard transplant. You can as well get a mustache, goatee, or sideburns. Also, you can fill the sparse facial hair and the patchiness of your beard. If your goal is to fill out the patches, the doctor will carefully put all the donor hair at the right angle and the thickness.

There Is No Pain

The facial hair process is painless, and the results are always permanent. Most of the time, this process is done using FUE hair transplant. In this process, the doctor removes the hair follicles and transplants them to the affected area of your face. There is no need to create large donor site incisions like in the FUT process.

Few Hair Will Mean Fewer Hair Loss

To undergo the facial procedure, you will have to sacrifice some of your scalp hair. You will not have to worry about that because you will not have future hair loss.

Shaving Process

The doctor will advise you not to shave your hair for about ten days after the surgery. After ten days, the transplant will tend to be normal. Make sure to understand that your facial hair may start to fall a few days after the surgery.

Make sure not to worry about the falling because it makes way for the new hair follicles. The new hair will start to grow in four to five months, and you will enjoy the outcome. After your facial hair transplant, you can now decide the look that you want. Also, if you want a new look, you should shave, and after a few days, your hair will grow back.

It is a Permanent Solution

A facial hair transplant is the best because it is always permanent. It has several benefits and important features. Make sure not to worry about losing your new beard hair after the transplant surgery. After the process, you will enjoy the outcome. Facial hair transplant surgery has minimal side effects, and the recovery time is quick.

It Is a Serious Process

Beard hair transplant is not a jock. You might think that this process is not a big thing to worry about. There is nothing to worry about but still keep in mind that the process is surgical. The side effects are minimal, but you may experience some complications if you are not careful. Some infections and scars may occur on your face.

These side effects are minimal and go away in a few days. You can as well avoid these side effects by doing more research on the best surgeons and clinics. Poor aftercare may also cause these side effects.


A facial hair transplant is always the best if it is done with the best surgeons. For a successful beard transplant, make sure an experienced surgeon does it. These doctors will also advise you on the best aftercare services to avoid any risks and complications.

Author Bio:

Naman Modi is a Professional Blogger, SEO Expert & Guest blogger at, He is an Award-Winning Freelancer & Web Entrepreneur helping new entrepreneur’s launches their first successful online business.

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