7 Exercises to Improve Grip Strength Without Equipment


We all love strong bodies with firm grip. True story of all young adults because   a strong grip represents exercises our strong personality. We always love to meet and introduce a physically fit and healthy person because they have a very strong and positive AURA. But how to  make your grips impressive?

We receive these questions frequently. So, we decided to resolve this query through content.

Stay till the end to get quality answers guys! Don’t hesitate if you do not have exercise equipment. Just calm down! Because we’re going to give you grip strengthening tips with Zero Equipment.

Does it seem interesting?

Yes, then stay with us and enjoy reading.

Seven Excellent Exercises without equipment that make your Grip firm?

Hand Doorway Hang

If anyone wants to strengthen his pinch gripping ability with no equipment, then hand doorway hang is the best way to initiate the process. Please ensure you come up with proper upright condition rather than you think. It is because you may feel pain and cramp when your thumb starts facing a new challenge.

Face the open door from a slim end, Hold the door with your thumb and finger from waist height. When your grip starts becoming stronger, insert a slit apart and back to the sitting position with your heels.

Hold on this position for 20-30 seconds before initiating with the other hands. When you get stronger, gradually remove your fingers to make the exercise extra challenging.

Hand Doorway row

Let’s try another doorway variation, that is the hand doorway row. It will come with more difficulty than a static hold. For this condition, you need to tightly hold the door at your chest height. Then sit down and pull yourself back. Next keep your lean back with your legs straight. When you feel you’re quite comfortable by holding the door then gradually lean back. The position yourself at upright condition , then gradually lean back to the initial position. Please avoid falling off suddenly.

Push-ups based on fingertips

It is kind of a classical martial art exercise with finger tips. You may see this in Hollywood martial arts movies. Push-ups with one finger are really heroic, no doubt.  But you don’t need to go to such extremes. Here the basic idea is Stretch Your Fingers. Spread your fingers as much as you can to balance out your thumb and fingers, and balance your body on it. Yes, I just did it.

Match stick break with finger

It is a very interesting workout for beginners. You just have to place a full-length matchstick on the above index and ring finger, with the middle finger on top. The palm must be facing down. The matchstick must be placed below the nail bed of the last knuckle. Here the prime objective is to break the match stick with middle finger, then ring and index finger. It seems quite easy but not an easy process. If you don’t practice , you can’t move with that.

Newspaper folding twisting and tearing

Take a few sheets of newspaper together, then put them together by folding them. They should be folders 9 inches in length. When folds increase it will be difficult to do exercise. Thus, we always recommend you to initiate with a full length newspaper and just start…

Here you need to take 3 sheets of paper and then move them up. When you fold them, roll them in cylinder shape. Then start twisting it by making your right hand in and left hand out 3 inches apart. However, you can reverse the motion at the next session with the newspaper. Continue to twist until your papers get torn in half. To make this exercise a bit comfortable bring both hand closer and moving them further apart

Cast iron pan twist

Here you’ll require a cast iron pan for the exercises. Hold the handle of the pan and make a 90 degree angle with your body, but the elbow should be close to the iron cast pan. Then gradually rotate your arm first externally parallel to the floor. Now bring back your pan to its initial position, then again rotate it internally until the pan hits the parallel position like before. You need to do 8-12 reps for better grip endurance.

Finger extensions with rubber band

Maximum grip strengthening program associated with pinching and squeezing. All these are grip strengthening workouts to make your fingers stronger. But rarely do we try out open finger tests . Rubber band finger extensions are a good option to keep your fingers stretched.

Here what you need to do is place a rubber band between  the top of the fingers and thumb. Then next do open and close exercise with 20+ reps. It is considered to be the best office desk exercise because one can do this in between their small breaks.

All of the above grip exercises are undoubtedly excellent. Do try it out.