Creating a Smart Site: Best Practices and Key Features to Include

Creating a Smart Site Best Practices and Key Features to Include

As a business owner, you know how important it is to have a website that not only looks good but also functions efficiently. That’s where creating a smart site comes in. A smart site is a website that leverages the latest technologies to provide a better user experience, improve search engine rankings, and drive more traffic and leads to your business. In this post, we’ll explore the best practices and key features you need to include to create a smart site that helps your business grow.

Best Practices for Creating a Smart Site

Creating a smart site starts with designing a website that is optimized for mobile devices, with fast page load speeds, clear navigation, and easy-to-read content.

i) Mobile-First Design

At present, the majority of people accessing a website are ‘mobile users’. That’s why it’s crucial to design your website with mobile devices in mind. A mobile-first design means creating a website that is optimized for mobile devices and then adapting it to desktop devices.

ii) Fast Page Load Speeds

Users expect a website to load quickly. If your website takes too long to load, users will leave and never come back. Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to optimize your website for fast page load speeds.

iii) Clear Navigation

Your website’s navigation should be clear and intuitive. Users should be able to find what they’re looking for easily. Use descriptive labels for your menu items and organize your pages logically.

iv) Easy-to-Read Content

Your website’s content should be easy to read and scan. Use short paragraphs, bullet points, and subheadings to break up your content. Also, use a font size and colour that is easy to read.

With more and more users accessing websites through mobile devices, it’s essential to prioritize a mobile-first design approach. Additionally, fast page load speeds are critical for keeping users engaged and avoiding high bounce rates. Clear navigation and easy-to-read content ensure that users can quickly find what they’re looking for and understand the content on your site.

By following these best practices, you can create a website that not only looks good but also functions efficiently and provides a positive user experience.

Key Features to Include in a Smart Site

To create a smart website, it’s important to include key features such as responsive design, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), contact information, and social media integration. A responsive design ensures that your website looks good and functions well on all devices, which is crucial in today’s mobile-first world.

Responsive Design

A responsive design means that your website adapts to the device and screen size of the user. This ensures that your website looks good and functions well on all devices.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Optimizing your website for search engines is critical to driving traffic and leads to your business. Include keywords in your content and meta tags, optimize your images, and use descriptive URLs.

Contact Information

Ensure that your contact details are prominently displayed on your website. Include your phone number, email address, and physical address on your website.

Social Media Integration

For businesses, social media is an effective marketing platform. Include social media icons on your website that link to your social media profiles.

SEO is essential for driving traffic and leads to your business, so be sure to optimize your website’s content, meta tags, and images for search engines. Including your contact information on your website is important for building trust and making it easy for potential customers to get in touch with you. Finally, social media integration is crucial for promoting your brand and engaging with customers, so be sure to include social media icons on your site that link to your profiles.

These key features help create a smart site that helps your business grow and succeed online.


Creating a smart site is essential for any business looking to succeed online. By following the best practices and including the key features we’ve discussed in this post, you can create a website that looks good, functions efficiently, and drives more traffic and leads to your business. Remember to optimize your website for mobile devices, optimize for search engines, make your content easy to read, and include your contact information and social media profiles. With a smart site, you can take your business to the next level and achieve success online.

If you want a smart site that creates its meta’s, descriptions, tags and even handles the customer service 24/7 with the help of AI. Contact digiPanda Consulting right away!